Missouri Over There

Wright County Memorial to Veterans of Foreign Wars - Mansfield, Missouri


In Mansfield, Missouri stands a stone monument in memory of Wright County Veterans who gave their lives in foreign wars. It was dedicated in 1976 by the Clarence King American Legion Post No. 128. The park where this memorial stands is also home to a number of other public memorials and sculptures, including a bust of Mansfield’s most famous residents, Laura Ingalls Wilder. 

Contribute to Mapping Monuments and Memorials in Missouri

We need your help. If you live in, or frequently travel through the state of Missouri, and come across, or know of a monument or memorial to WWI service members, please contact us and tell us where we can find it. We will then send one of our staff to take photographs and gather needed information.

Contact Us Here

You can also take the photographs yourself and submit them to us (no cell phones please). Please submit your information by clicking on the submit link below. We look forward to seeing what you find!
