Missouri Over There

Webster County Memorial to Seymour, Missouri Veterans


This memorial is dedicated "In honor and memory of all veterans of the Seymour area who served our country in times of peace and war. And to those who paid the supreme sacrifice so that we might enjoy freedom their spirit devotion and love of country will be forever remembered. A quote from Lawrence Newton at the bottom of the monument reads, " They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them". This monument is located at a large public sqaure with a pavillion near the Seymour Police Department at 124 W Washington St, Seymour, MO 65746. 

Contribute to Mapping Monuments and Memorials in Missouri

We need your help. If you live in, or frequently travel through the state of Missouri, and come across, or know of a monument or memorial to WWI service members, please contact us and tell us where we can find it. We will then send one of our staff to take photographs and gather needed information.

Contact Us Here

You can also take the photographs yourself and submit them to us (no cell phones please). Please submit your information by clicking on the submit link below. We look forward to seeing what you find!
