Missouri Over There

H.S. Hawkins General Orders - October 17, 1918


Headquarters 35th Division American Expeditionary Forces 17th October 1918. GENERAL ORDERS No. 83 ) Extract. 7. The Division Commander takes great pleasure in citing in General Orders the courage and devotion to duty, in the face of the enemy, of the following named Officers of this Division: Major T. H. Loy, Commanding 129th Machine Gun Battalion. On the morning of September 26th, 1918, near Cheppy, France, in the face of intense enemy machine gun and artillery fire, made a personal reconnaissance for machine gun positions and so skillfully placed the guns of his command, and by his absolute disregard of personal safety so instilled courage and confidence into the men serving them, that to him belongs a large share of the credit for the reduction of this strongly defended locality. On the afternoon of September 29th, near Baulny, France, learning of an enemy counter-attack on the positions north of Baulny, he gathered together a force of men from various organizations near Charpentry and led them up to the firing line, establishing them in position. This action had a great moral effect on the men in the front lines, enabling them more easily to repulse the enemy attack. Captain George H. Wark, 129th Machine Gun Battalion. On the morning of September 26th, 1918, by his coolness, disregard of danger, and ability to command, reformed and led forward a line composed of scattered units of Infantry and Machine gun organizations, near Cheppy, France, and by his example instilled into them his own fighting spirit, enabling them to continue their advance into Cheppy. Captain Douglas McDonald, 129th Machine Gun Battalion. On September 28th, 1918, near Chaudron Farm, while making a reconnaissance, under intense enemy fire from artillery and machine guns, discovered a gap of half a mile in our lines, and placed his Machine Gun Company in the Gap, then reorganized some straggling and disorganized infantry and scouts and led them forward, putting them into position there, thus preventing a possible infiltration of the enemy forces. First Lieutenant W. S. Perry, Adjutant, 129th Machine Gun Battalion. On the morning of September 27th, 1918, while making a reconnaissance for his battalion commander, voluntarily took charge of a platoon of Company C., 129th Machine Gun Battalion, and went forward in the face of intense machine gun fire, made reconnaissance of gun positions, led the platoon forward to these positions and by his courage and energy inspired his men to keep their guns in action during a heavy bombardment of enemy artillery and machine gun fire. By command of Major General Traub: H. S. HAWKINS Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL WM. ELLIS Lt. Col. Inf., U. S. Army Division Adjutant Copy to all organizations


Title H.S. Hawkins General Orders - October 17, 1918
Creator Hawkins, H.S.
Source Hawkins, H.S. General Orders. 17 October 1918. Company C Papers. Museum of Missouri Military History, 4205 Logistics Road, Jefferson City, Missouri.
Description General Orders number 83 by Colonel H.S. Hawkins citing the bravery of several officers in the 35th Division. These include Major T.H. Loy, commander of the 129th Machine Gun Battalion, Captain George H. Wark, Lieutenant W.S. Perry, and Captain Douglas D. McDonald.
Subject LCSH United States. Army. Division, 35th; United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces
Subject Local WWI; World War I; Military Citation; United States. Army. Machine Gun Battalion, 129th
Contributing Institution Museum of Missouri Military History
Copy Request Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Museum of Missouri Military History, 2405 Logistics Road, Jefferson City, Missouri.
Rights The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited.
Date Original October 17, 1918
Language English