Missouri Over There

James R. Harris letter to P.B. Brill - April 16, 1919


F office Sunday Lake April 16, 1919 Mr. P.B. Brill, The Lake Torpedo Boat Co., Bridgeport, [Connecticut] Dear Mr. Brill: Enclosed you will find confirmations of telegram sent you April 15th and your reply received this morning, both with reference to our visiting Washington next Monday regarding contract for main engines for Submarines "S-48" to "S-51". I know we will both be very much relieved if we can finally get the contract matter settled and I believe that if properly presented to the right parties in Washington, they will see the justice of our contention that a new contract should be entered into and your order for the engines, dated [October] 28th, which was not accepted by our Company, should be canceled. Thanking you very much for your prompt reply to my telegram, I remain Yours very truly, 1st V.P. & Gen. Mgr. JBH-C


Title James R. Harris letter to P.B. Brill - April 16, 1919
Creator Harris, James R.
Source Harris, James R. Letter to P.B. Brill. 16 April 1919. Busch-Sulzer Collection. Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
Description Letter from James R. Harris, Vice President and General Manager of the Busch-Sulzer Brothers Diesel Engine Company, to P.B. Brill of The Lake Torpedo Boat Company. Harris informed Mr. Brill that he would be in Washington D.C. to discuss the contract for main engines for submarines S-48 to S-51.
Subject LCSH Diesel engine; Submarine boats; Busch-Sulzer brothers Diesel engine company; The Lake Torpedo Boat Company
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Contributing Institution Wisconsin Historical Society
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Rights The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited.
Date Original April 16, 1919
Language English