Missouri Over There

James R. Harris letter to George H. Moore - May 5, 1917


May 5, 1917 Mr. Geo. H. Moore, Collector, First District of Missouri, Internal Revenue Service, Custom House, St. Louis, [Missouri] Sir: Received yours of May 1st enclosing copy of letter, dated April 28th, from Mr. L.L. Speer, Deputy Commissioner, Treasury Department, same relating to special Excise Tax of 12 1/2 % on Munition contracts. From Mr. Speer's letter we understand that our method of compiling the return is accepted with the exception that profits or losses are to be figured on the entire contracts from the dates of such contracts up to the dates of completion of same, and not from January 1st, 1916 to dates of completion of such contracts. None of the contracts were completed on [December] 31st, 1916 so it is our understanding that in making our returns as of [December] 31st, 1917, we are to include 1916. We will be pleased to have you advise us if our interpretation of Mr. Speer's letter is correct. Yours very truly, BUSCH-SULZER BROS.-DIESEL ENGINE CO. 1st C.P. & Gen. Mgr. JRH-C


Title James R. Harris letter to George H. Moore - May 5, 1917
Creator Harris, James R.
Source Harris, James R. Letter to George H. Moore. 05 May 1917. Busch-Sulzer Collection. Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
Description Letter from James R. Harris, Vice-President and General Manager of the Busch-Sulzer Brothers Diesel Engine Company, to George H. Moore, collector for the Internal Revenue Service. This letter concerned the Munitions Manufacturer's Tax, which implemented a 12,5% tax on companies who produced munitions for the federal government.
Subject LCSH Diesel engine; Submarine boats; Busch-Sulzer brothers Diesel engine company
Subject Local WWI; World War I; Munitions Manufacturer's Tax
Contributing Institution Wisconsin Historical Society
Copy Request Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Wisconsin Historical Society: 608-264-6535
Rights The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited.
Date Original May 5, 1917
Language English