William A. Toney letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley - December 18, 1918
Kyllburg germany. Sgt. W. A. Toney Medical Supply 314th San. Tr. [December] 18, [1918] Dr. [Henry Milton] Whelpley Dear Sir, Well here I am in germany and I wouldnt have though in the year 1912 when I was studying Microscopy with you that I would spend Xmas 1918 in Kyllburg germany but time does wander. I have been in Kyllburg nearly a month now and the sun ahs been out since I have been in germany it has rained everyday but started snowing this morning and I guess we will have snow from now on. I certainly have seen some
[page 2] of Europe the last three months I have been through France, Belgium, Luxembourg and am now in germany I dont know where we will go from here. The old St. Louis College of Pharmacy has been well represented in this was I know at least a dozen of the boys in the army from there and have heard of quite a few more. What kind of a class have you this year tell the boys that the boys from the St. Louis Colledge of Pharmacy in the American expeditionary forces send their best regards to them and wishes them a very Merry Xmas and a happy New year. The Town of Kyllburg
[page 3] germany is quite a stopping place for Tourist in peace times there isent any Tourist now so the soldiers are taking there places and we certainly are seeing ever thing worth seeing. They have four large hotels here and they are first class hotels large rooms with bath and [ms illegible: 1 wd] you think the bath tub didnt look good to us we were lucky if we get a bath once a month over here and had forgotten what a bath tub looked like. I have three I can [ms illegible: 1 wd]
[page 4] I am gowing to bring home with me. Remember me to Dr. Wall. Yours – W.A. Taney Sgt. Med Dept Medical Supply Depot Advance Station No 1 314th Sanitary Train American Expeditionary Forces A.P.O. 761 If you see any of my class mates tell them that I would like to hear from them. [censor’s signature]
Title | William A. Toney letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley - December 18, 1918 |
Creator | Toney, William A. |
Source | Toney, William A. Letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley. 18 December 1918. Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley Collection, 1826-1929. A1737. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri. |
Description | William A. Toney sent this letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley. Dr. Whelpley was the dean of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy and editor of the Meyer Brothers Druggist magazine. Toney described his experiences in Germany as part of the Army of Occupation. This letter was written on American Red Cross letterhead. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918; World War, 1914-1918--Occupied territories; United States.Army.Sanitary Train, 314th |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I; Army of Occupation |
Site Accession Number | A1737 |
Contributing Institution | Missouri History Museum |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond those allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Missouri History Museum: 314-746-4510 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. Contact the Missouri History Museum's Permissions Office at 314-746-4511 to obtain written consent. |
Date Original | December 18, 1918 |
Language | English |