Frantz F. Berg letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley - May 9, 1918
May 9 - 1918 Dr. [Henry Milton] Whelpley. Dear Dr. Whelpley I believe it was time to let you hear from me inasmuch as I have this week received your letter, Meyer [Brothers] Druggist and A.Ph.A. Bill. I am still here and from all present outlook will be hooked here for sometime We are beginning to be very busy with new contract stuff and every day brings it’s quota of St. Louis Drugs. Here we examine every thing I ever saw in a wholesale Drug house and the army should be well supplied but in camp only 3 things I ever saw was some Epsom Salt C.C. pills and Iodine Capt. Hodge in charge here duly recommended my application which I made last summer but it blew up. Some where in the process, and came back with the following indorsement
It is beleived that T.F.B. has neither the experience or qualifications for a commission. So you see I am finished. To top this off I got sore and guess I am lucky to not be in guard house. They did however make me a Sergeant so that helps a little bit. I made application and was duly recommended for 4th officers camp. but then was told I could not go being attached to S.G.O. which classes me with staff troops. Then tried to gain admission to training camp for clinical laboratory officers but not being a bricklayer or mule driver I couldnt get in. Without taking a 6 weeks course in Qualitative Chemical analysis, and use of the Microscope so I was given the door after writing them to give me an examination in these subjects. Have not given up yet all I want now is a transfer back to the line preferably in tank regiment, with an early ticket for France and then I’ll quit worrying for recognition in Medical Dept
The only big mistake I ever made was to think I was a chemist, I should have been a section hand and I’d been o.k. but I only hope now can get back into the line and fight. I found Siemers here and he and I held a “Class reunion” in Baltimore over Saturday & Sunday ([April] 13 – 14) Enclose a picture. He was feeling bum on army first time I saw him but later had learned to like it. He has since been sent to Ohio State at Columbus for Special training. You speak of school year ending soon “best o’ luck“ to them all. am sorry I can’t be with you this year for the finals and excercises. By General orders we drill every morning now and I always think of Mackelden as we squads right etc in front of the Smithsonian.
with this I shall close all good wishes for class of [1918], and the faculty and board, hoping that by 1924 When this scrap is over that I can again spend one of those pleasant outings of May at Godfrey, [Illinois] Remember me to all – Sincerely, Sgt. F.F. Berg Sanitary Corps 231 3rd St. N.W. Washington D.C. Note change of address.
Title | Frantz F. Berg letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley - May 9, 1918 |
Creator | Berg, Frantz F. |
Source | Berg, Frantz F. Letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley. 9 May 1918. Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley Collection, 1826-1929. A1737. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri. |
Description | Frantz F. Berg sent a letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley. Dr. Whelpley was the dean of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy and editor of the Meyer Brothers Druggist magazine. In this letter, Berg wrote about his job inspecting drugs and his promotion to Sergeant. This letter was written on St. John’s Rest House letterhead. |
Subject LCSH | United States Army Sanitation Corp; World War, 1914-1918--War Work--Red Cross; World War, 1914-1918--War Work--Y.M.C.A.; World War, 1914-1918 |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I |
Site Accession Number | A1737 |
Contributing Institution | Missouri History Museum |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond those allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Missouri History Museum: 314-746-4510 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. Contact the Missouri History Museum's Permissions Office at 314-746-4511 to obtain written consent. |
Date Original | May 9, 1918 |
Language | English |