Missouri Over There

Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley letter to Rudolph J. Tobler - November 20, 1918


November 20, 1918. Mr. R.J. Tobler, M. O. T.C., Ft. Riley, [Kansas] Prov. Field Hosp. Co. F. My dear Mr. Tobler:-- Most certainly, we will send you the journal, as you request. Hope that you will soon be home again and that the war life will be but a memory with you. Will be glad to talk with you when I see you about the Pharmaceutical Corps and hope that you will join with others in seeing that pharmacy is given better recognition in the army. Have just received word that Mr. Pelley, of the class of 1918, died of pneumonia in France. Mr. Fuhrman, of the class of 1917, was killed in action. These are the only two fatalities among our graduates that have come to my attention. With very best wishes, we remain, Very truly, MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST, per [Henry Milton] Whelpley, Editor. Copy


Title Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley letter to Rudolph J. Tobler - November 20, 1918
Creator Dr. Whelpley, Henry Milton
Source Dr. Whelpley, Henry Milton. Letter to Rudolph J. Tobler. 20 November 1918. Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley Collection, 1826-1929. A1737. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley sent this letter to Rudolph J. Tobler. Dr. Whelpley was the dean of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy and editor of the Meyer Brothers Druggist magazine. Dr. Whelpley mentioned the two fatalities among Saint Louis College of Pharmacy graduates.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918; Fort Riley (Kan.)
Subject Local WWI; World War I; Saint Louis College of Pharmacy
Site Accession Number A1737
Contributing Institution Missouri History Museum
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Date Original November 20, 1918
Language English