Alvin G. Florian letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley - July 29, 1918
Waco, Texas July 29, 1918 Dr. [Henry Milton] Whelpley St. Louis [Missouri] Dear Doctor, I received your letter stating that I was the winner of the Beal Prize, I was sure very glad to hear that, and I owe many thanks to the faculty of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy for importing the requisite knowledge to me so that I could make such an average. you can rest assured the I will recommend the College very highly whenever and wherever I can. I was drafted into military service about three weeks ago and am still in the Infantry, but I made application for the Medical
Corps today so I expect to get in there soon, at least I hope so. Well, Doctor I hope that the Edmond’s Bill will soon go through, because the soldiers seem to be dissatisfied with this system of medication they some times state that they are given the same kind of pills for everything. I wrote Dr. Beal a letter thanking him for the prize that I received. My home address is 2932 Cass Ave. Wishing you success and prosperity and assuring you that I will keep up the good work. Yours truly, Priv. Alvin G. Florian Co. I. 9th Replacement Battalion Waco, Texas
Title | Alvin G. Florian letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley - July 29, 1918 |
Creator | Florian, Alvin G. |
Source | Florian, Alvin G. Letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley. 21 July 1918. Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley Collection, 1826-1929. A1737. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri. |
Description | Alvin G. Florian sent this letter to Dr. Henry Milton Whelpley. Dr. Whelpley was the dean of the St. Louis College of Pharmacy and editor of the Meyer Brothers Druggist magazine. In this letter, Florian wrote that he had received a letter stating he was the winner of the “Beal Prize” at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy. He also mentioned the Edmonds Bill and explained that soldiers were not satisfied with the system of medication. This letter was written on Y.M.C.A. letterhead. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918; United States. Army. Infantry. 9th |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I; St. Louis College of Pharmacy; Edmonds Bill |
Site Accession Number | A1737 |
Contributing Institution | Missouri History Museum |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond those allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Missouri History Museum: 314-746-4510 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. Contact the Missouri History Museum's Permissions Office at 314-746-4511 to obtain written consent. |
Date Original | July 29, 1918 |
Language | English |