Missouri Over There

Thoedore Debs letter to Frank P. O'Hare - October 15, 1920


Terre Haute, [October] 15th, 1920. My dear Frank:- When yours of the 4th (which did not reach here, I am told, until the 7th.) came I was absent from the city and when I got back it was too late to get you anything for the 10th., the day of going to press. I am enclosing a short article, nothing to boast of which may come in handy for your next issue. Yes, Bransetter told me the same thing that he told you regarding the release of P. P. There are and have been so many reports of that nature in circulation that I give little credence to them. However, I am of the opinion that the ginks at Washington will soon be forced to act. The pressure is getting too strong, the reaction has set in, public sentiment is changing and the people are beginning to understand the injustice of it all, and that is the thing that will force action of the part of the politicians. Love to you and Comrade Kate and the Kids, Yours always Theodore


Title Thoedore Debs letter to Frank P. O'Hare - October 15, 1920
Creator Debs, Theodore
Source Debs, Theodore. Letter to Frank P. O' Hare. 15 October 1920. Frank P. O'Hare Papers, 1850-1960. A1152. Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Description In 1912, Frank O'Hare became editor of the Rip-Saw, a socialist monthly issued from St. Louis. He was married to the prominent socialist Kate Richards O'Hare, who was imprisoned during World War I (April 1919
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918; Socialism--United States--Periodicals; Political prisoners--Government policy--United States; Political prisoners--United States; Espionage, American; Sedition--United States; Women prisoners--Abuse of
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Site Accession Number A1152
Contributing Institution Missouri History Museum
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Date Original October 15, 1920
Language English