Missouri Over There

Frank P. O'Hare letter to Eugene V. Debs and Phil Wagner - March 12, 1918


March 12, 1918 E V Debs, Terre Haute, [Indiana] Phil Wagner St. Louis Dear Comrade:- Hope you will permit me to write to both of you at one swipe. Have been busy getting Kate ready to start out tomorrow and feel now that I have done all that need to be done in a preliminary way toward organizing the Defense league. I did not write Germer, believing that Charlie Ervin could make things plain to him. Charlie is a live wire and sees the big work to be done. When I came here I had in mind the necessity of organizing some support so that Phil would not stand individually the expense of the trial, which I estimate will amount to $2500 by the time the appeal is heard. But the still bigger thing as the publicity defense campaign. This latter the committee will take care of in good shape. Billy Williams is a cracker-jack and will have one of the call boys to help him. The committee will take care of all cases. The call has certainly been fine, and Kate


Title Frank P. O'Hare letter to Eugene V. Debs and Phil Wagner - March 12, 1918
Creator O'Hare, Frank P.
Source O'Hare, Frank P. Letter to Eugene V. Debs and Phil Wagner. 12 March 1918. Frank P. O'Hare Papers, 1850-1960. A1152. Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Description In 1912, Frank O'Hare became editor of the Rip-Saw, a socialist monthly issued from St. Louis. He was married to the prominent socialist Kate Richards O'Hare, who was imprisoned during World War I (April 1919
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918; Socialism--United States--Periodicals; Political prisoners--Government policy--United States; Political prisoners--United States; Espionage, American; Sedition--United States; Women prisoners--Abuse of
Subject Local WWI; World War I; Children's Crusade for Amnesty; Llano del Rio Colony; Rip-Saw
Site Accession Number A1152
Contributing Institution Missouri History Museum
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Date Original March 12, 1918
Language English