Report of Maintenance and Construction, Light Railways, Toul Sector - 1918
[page 1] Report. Maintenance and Construction, Light Railways, Toul Sector. Under 12th Engineers, L.R. Part One: Before the Armistice. I.
[page 2] 6. Maintenance. Maintenance under the 21st Engineers, L.R., was organized under the operating department and was carried on in each division by the operating company in charge, usually by means of attached troops. On the whole the condition of maintenance thruout the sector was poor and derailments frequent, even under strict speed regulations. There was found to be a lack of ballast, especially on the heavy traffic lines, and, on those lines built with French track material there was no reserve supply of angle bars or bolts for maintenance purposes. 7. Supplies. American 25 track to complete the lines under construction was on the ground, and a small reserve stock of rails, ties, and bolts, was in the warehouse at Sorcy. Speeders to replace those moved North with the 21st Engineers, L.R., had to be obtained at Abainville. Track tools of all kinds were scarce, and especially so with track drills, track jacks, spike mauls, square point shovels, and
[page 3 ]Table NO. 2. Organization. Company Hdqrs. Duty Assignment. [Organization] Co. K., 22nd Engrs. L.R.[Company Hdqrs.] Villey St. Etienne. [Duty] Mte. [Assignment.] Fey en Haye to Griscourt. Toul to 2 km.S. of Quatre Vents. [Organization] Co. L., 22nd Engrs. L.R.[Company Hdqrs.] Mount Joy Siding [Duty] Constr.[Assignment. N.A.] [Organization] Co. M., 22nd Engrs.. L.R.[Company Hdqrs.] Bernecourt. [Duty] Mte. [Assignment.] Menil la Tour to Tremblecourt. La Rehanne to Hazelle & Beamont. [Organization] Co. N., 22nd Engrs.. L.R.[Company Hdqrs.] Menil la Tour. [Duty] Mte. [Assignment.] Menil la Tour to Boucq Est & Tourl. [Organization] Co. O., 22nd Engrs.. L.R.[Company Hdqrs.] Belleville [Duty] Mte. [Assignment.] Flamechamp to Griscourt & Rosieres. Dieulouard Spur. Quatre Vents to 2 km S. of Quatre Vents. [Organization] Co. P., 22nd Engrs.. L.R.[Company Hdqrs.] Manonville [Duty] Mte. [Assignment.] Rosieres thru Tremblebourt, Manonville, Noviant, La Louilin, Ravin des Hayes, to Vieville. Vieville loop. Limey Spur. From Manonville to Division limit on the Manonville-La Fouins line. [Organization] Co. A., 528th Engrs.. Serv. Bn. [Company Hdqrs.] Woinville [Duty] Mte. [Assignment.] Fond D
[page 4] III. Problems and Projects. 10. Captured Lines. With the completion of the Bois Chanot, Flirey and Pont de Metz, Extensions, 142 kilometres of German main line in the conquered territory was added to the sector
[page 5] Table NO.
[Page 5] (Table No. 5. cont.) Projects. Date Authorized Survey completed Work completed Length: in Km. Remarks. [Project] Constr. 200 car capacity yard at Xivray. [Date] 30 [October 1918][Survey] none [Work] 16 [November] [Length] 1.04 [Project] Constr. Gudenean Ammunition Spur. [Date] 2 [November 1918][Survey] 4 [November 1918] [Work] See remarks [Length](.27) [Remarks] Work on ammo dump stopped 12 [November] acct/ Armistice. Grading complete, track laying 35% ballasting 3% complete. [Project] Constr. Spur 5th Engrs.. at Bouillonville.[Date] 3 [November 1918][Survey] 5[November 1918] [Work] 5 [November 1918] [Length].05 [Project] Constr. 28thDiv. refilling point spur[Date] 7 [November 1918][Survey] none [Work] 10 [November] [Length] .15 [Project] Reconstr. 30m. curve between Bouillonville and Pannes [Date] 1 [November 1918][Survey] 3 [November 1918] [Work] 12 [November] [Length] .16 Total length construction, completed, -------7.20 kilometres. Total length construction, uncompleted. --------3.93 kilometres Total length reconstruction, -------.74 kilometres
[page 6] IV. Preparations for advance. 16. Preliminary Plans. It was recognized at these headquarters as soon as the Second Army had been fully organized that it
[page 7] (19 cont.) from Suzemont thru Hammonville to Jarney. This line was accordingly put in condition By [November] 20th, both objectives had been reached. 20. Evacuated Lines and Territory. By [November] 20th the territory South of an East and West line thru Conflans and St. Jean and North of the front line of [November] 11th, had been added to the Toul Sector, the 60 cm. lines included therein coming under the jurisdiction of the 12th Engineers, L.R. The two origional extensions, the Xammes line to Mars la Tour and the Vieville line, branching just north of La Tour to ST. Jean on the West and to Jarney on the East, increased the operated mileage by 59 kilometres, making a total of 381 kilometres (see foot-note). There was approximately 204 kilometres of subsidiary lines in this evacuated area bringing the total of 60 cm. lines in the Toul Sector, controlled by this Regiment, to 737 kilometres. Table No. 4, is given in recapitulation of mileage figures previously quoted. 21. Conditions in Evacuated Territory. Beyond
[page 8] Table NO. 4. Mileage Light Railway Lines in Toul Sector. South of line of September 11, 1918. Built by French, main lines ------ 198.00 Kilometres. Built by French, Yards and sidings,------ 73.62 kilometres. Built by American, main lines, ------ 14.00 kilometres. Built by Americans, Yards and sidings, ------ 29.57 kilometres. Total main lines, ------ 212.00 kilometres. Total yards and sidings, ------103.19 kilometres. Reconstruction by Americans, ------13.57 kilometres. Extensions. Bois Chanot Extension, ------ 9.00 Kilometres Flirey Extension, ------ 3.50 kilometres. Pont de Metz Extension, ------ 4.67 kilometres. Auberge St. Pierre Extension, ------ 1.82 kilometres. Total Extension mileage, ------ 18.99 kilometres North of line of [September] 11 1918 and South of line of [November] 11 1918. Main line, exclusive of extensions, ------ 142.00 Kilometres. Yards and side tracks built by enemy, ------ 7.16 kilometres. Yards and side tracks built by Americans, ------6.15 kilometres. Total yards and side tracks.------ 13.31 kilometres. North of line of November 11, 1918. Xammes-Mars la Tour, ------ 18.00 kilometres. Vignuelles-Suzemont-S. Jean, ------32.00 kilometres. Suzemont-Jarney, ------9.00 kilometres. Total Reconstructed, ------59.00 kilometres. Subsidiary lines, ------204.00 kilometres Total. 263.00 Kilometres. Summary. Total main line built by French. ------ 198.00 Kilometres. Total side track and yards built by French ------ 73.62 kilometres Total main line built by Americans, ------ 33.49 kilometres Total side track and yards built by Americans, ------ 35.72 kilometres Total reconstructed by Americans, 72.57 kilometres.
[page 8] (Table No. 4 cont.) Summary (cont.) Total main line built by the enemy, ------ 395.00 kilometres. Total yards and sidings built by enemy, (estimated 15%) ------ 59.25 kilometres. Total main line in Toul Sector, ------ 626.49 Kilometres. Total side tracks and yards in Toul Sector, ------ 168.59 kilometres. (note) The lines reported in the above table are in the area bounded on the North by an East and West line thru St. Jean-les Buay and Conflans; on the East by the Lorraine-France boundary line, as far South as the Moselle River, and from there the Eastern boundary follows the Moselle River to the line as of [November] 11th, extending Eastward at that point to include the Belleville-Corne line; on the South to about three kilometres South of Toul, (Fort du TIllor), and a line North-west thru Pagney Gare and Sorcy Gare; and on the West by a line thru Sorcy Gare, Gironville, Woinville, Vigneulles, Vieville, and the Vieville to Verdun R.R. Track.
[page 9] Table NO. 5. Unit. CO. Hdqrs. Territory. [Unit] Co. K. 22nd Engrs.. L.R. [CO. Hdqrs.] Labeuville [Territory.] Between Sunemont and St. Jean. [Unit] Co. L. 22nd Engrs.. L.R. [CO. Hdqrs.] Manonville. [Territory.]German Jct. thru Manonville to Joli Bois. [Unit] Co. M. 22nd Engrs.. L.R.[CO. Hdqrs.] Menil la Tour [Territory.]Ansanville to Newtons & Menil la Tour; Menil la Tour to Tramblecourt & Boucq net; La Feuine to Manonville. [Unit] Co. O. 22nd Engrs.. L.R.[CO. Hdqrs.] Belleville [Territory.]Fey en Haye thru Jolie Boit & Belleville to Famechamp. [Unit] Co. A. 528th Engrs.. Serv. Bn.[CO. Hdqrs.] Woinville. [Territory.]Woinville to Vigrmelles; the connection from Perche Jct. to the Jct. with the Bouillonville-Beney line; the La Marche spur;& the line from Heudicourt thru Adams to the Jct. with the Xammes-Beney line. . [Unit] Co. B. 528th Engrs.. Serv. Bn.[CO. Hdqrs.] La Reine. [Territory.] Sorcy Yard and the line to Perche Jct. ; Trondes to Nauf Etang Jct. . [Unit] Co. C. 528th Engrs.. Serv. Bn.[CO. Hdqrs.] Suzemont. [Territory.] Vignnelles to Vieville; to Suzomont; to Jarney. . [Unit] Co. D. 528th Engrs.. Serv. Bn.[CO. Hdqrs.] Essey. [Territory.]Ansanville thru Beney to Chambley.
[page 10] Table NO.
[page 11] (26 cont.) Estimated, taking into consideration the physical conditions and tactical situation at the time, the facility of supplying construction materials, and the previous experience of both men and officers of the construction units. 27. Supervision by Division Engineers and Resident Engineers was greatly hampered on rush construction and heavy maintenance by a lack of road transportation. Track speeders are unreliable even under the best conditions and their efficiency is materially reduced when operated over lines conjested by the regular traffic. 28. The necessity of maintaining at all times and adequate reserve ballast supply cannot be over-emphasized. This applies not only to back areas for the maintenance of existing lines but more especially to those lines which have been chosen for extension in the event of an advance. 29. Remarks relative to the size of the sector for Light Railway operation and the length of haul and problems affecting the Operating Dept. rather than the Construction and Maintenance Dept. VII. Maps/ Charts, and Forms. 30. Reports. A daily report on form attached was required from each company assigned to construction and maintenance department, and was sent in by Company headquarters on the daily Regimental courier run. These reports were used in making up the weekly consolidated reports to the various headquarters concerned. (foot-note) (reference to Paragraph 20) At this time, the Operating Dept., in order to release men for the operation of the forward area lines, was forced to discontinue operation on approximately 52 kilometres, of back area lines.
The construction activities in the Rattentout Sector of the 12th Engineers, which were confined to the First Battalion, included:- 2.0 kilos of gun spurs: 2.6 kilos of ammunition tracks: .3 kilos of detour tracks: .25 kilos of water spurs: .26 kilos of sidings and miscellaneous tracks: 6.5 kilos of main track to connection with enemy system: The short period afforded between the arrival of the Battalion at Rattentout and the beginning of the offensive operations by the army directed toward the reduction of the St. Mihiel salient, coupled with the handicap of a very small organization, made the work extremely difficult to accomplish. Upon one occasion two gun spurs- one 900 metres in length, the other 1100 metres in length-were ordered for delivery in 72 hours. This involved location through heavy country, and the construction including the ballasting of track, within what seemed to be a very short period. The work, however, was accomplished within the time allotted, and the guns hauled to position by 60 c.m. and in action within 90 hours. During the entire period prior to the offensive and during and after the offensive, repeated appeals were made for additional help to prosecute the construction work, and although there seemingly was an abundance of idle engineer and labor organizations in the district, the appeals met with little helpful response. Two days before the St. Mihiel advance, definite advice was received that the connection between our light railway system and the enemy system would be made over the route on the south side of the Mouilly Canyon. Prior to this time there had been some question as to which route would be authorized. Vigorous recommendations had been made by us that 1,000 labor troops be made available to start and push the work forward as soon as the character of the front in the district would permit. It was found, however, that with the exception of the use of 400 men from a Pioneer Infantry organization, which were hurriedly put on the work and then withdrawn after one day of labor, the connection, 61/2 kilos in length, fell to the small numbered forces of the First Battalion of the 12th Engineers. Attention is called to the difficult character of this construction, which included a straight 2% line through extremely heavy country, thickly overgrown with both scrub and heavy timber, and in one portion through the churned up
Wheat St 24 to 25 200 sq Ft 43 + 50 to 45 300 sq ft 116+ 85 to 118 15 ft X 115 ft 118 to 120 20ft X 200ft 120 to 122 25 X 200ft 138 to 145 25 X700ft 122 to 123 25 X 100ft 145 to 154 25 X 900 ft 123 to 125 25 X 200ft 154 to 156 25 X 200 ft 26 to 35+75 20 X 975ft 156 to 171 25 X1500ft 42+80 to 44 25 X 120ft Property Damage
24 to 25 went 200 sq ft 43+50 to 45
Trees 16 + 20 to 1 tree 5 in Diam Brush 53 to 58 24 X500 Trees 113 to 121+75 1 Iron Grill & brick masonry summer Arbor 1-24in 1-21in 1-20in 1-19in 4- 18in 3-17in 4- 16in 3-15in 2-14in 5-13in 6-12in 3-11in 3-10in 2-9in 1-6in 1-5in Underbrush 75 to 78 2730 sq ft Trees 81+20 1-28 in 1-10in 1-8in 3-26in 4-24in 1-15in Hedge
Title | Report of Maintenance and Construction, Light Railways, Toul Sector - 1918 |
Creator | Unknown |
Source | Unknown. Report of Maintenance and Construction, Light Railways, Toul Sector. 1918. World War I Collection. A1771. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri. |
Description | Report of the maintenance and construction of Light Railways in the Toul Sector of France under the 12th Engineers. Includes charts showing the work done before and after the Armistice. Lists of supplies and equipment as well as lists of property damage. |
Subject LCSH | United States. Army. 12th Engineers; United States. War Department |
Subject Local | World War I; WWI; Light Railway |
Site Accession Number | A1771 |
Contributing Institution | Missouri History Museum |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond those allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Missouri History Museum: 314-746-4510 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. Contact the Missouri History Museum's Permissions Office at 314-746-4511 to obtain written consent. |
Date Original | 1918 |
Language | English |