Missouri Over There

Letter from F.E.L. Schmueckle to Joseph W. Peters - February 3, 1919


[February] 3, 1919. Mr. J. W. Peters, St. Louis, [Missouri]. Dear Sir: We are in receipt of your telegram of the 3rd and wired you this morning that we could furnish you a duplicate of the Regimental Color for the 12th Engineers at a net price of $200.00 and could make shipment within three weeks after receipt of the order. The reason that we asked you to let us know by wire is that the time limit is based on the amount of work we have in our Flag Department today. If within the next few days a great many orders should be received then, of course, we could not make delivery within the three weeks. You may rest assured that we will make up this banner in a first class manner and if you have any special shipping instructions please let us hear from you. Thanking you in advance for a favorable replay, beg to remain Yours very truly, The M.C. Lilley & CO. Per FEL Schmueckle FELS/MC


Title Letter from F.E.L. Schmueckle to Joseph W. Peters - February 3, 1919
Creator Schmueckle, F.E.L.
Source Schmueckle, F.E.L. Letter to Joseph W. Peters. 03 February 1919. World War I Collection. A1771. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Schmueckle wrote to Joseph W. Peters and explained that his company could create a duplicate of the Regimental Colors for the 12th Engineers for $200.00.
Subject LCSH United States. Army. 12th Engineers; Celebrations
Subject Local World War I; WWI
Site Accession Number A1771
Contributing Institution Missouri History Museum
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Date Original February 3, 1919
Language English