Headquaters 28th Division Daily Operations Report - October 31, 1918
G-3/15. Headquarters 28th Division American Expeditionary Force France. 31 October, 1918. Daily Operations Report From noon 30 [October], to noon 31 [October], 1918. I. Hostile Situation at beginning of the day. Unchanged. II. Information received of the enemy during day. Enemy activity in vicinity of Depot de Material; some activity reported north of Lachaussee. Patrols found northwest corner of the Bois des Haravillers occupied by the enemy. III. Hostile movements and Conduct during day. (2) Infantry: Nothing to report. (b) Artillery: During the night enemy was very active in the use of gas shells, approximately 1900 being thrown in our right sub-sector. The Bois des Haravillers also shelled with mustard gas at 22 hour. Harrassing fire on Beney-St. Benoit road (c) Aeronautics: Enemy air forces active throughout the period; reconnaissance planes flying high throughout the afternoon over entire sector. Bombing squadron dropped bombs along our forward position in the left sub-sector at 24:00 hours. At 15:00 hour enemy plane attacked and brought donw one of our observation ballons between Novlant and Heudicourt. Two enemy ballons up near St. Julien. (d) Movements: Usual movements and working parties observed. IV. Maps Illustrating Above. None. V. Own Situation at beginning of day. Unchanged VI. Own changes, Movements, and Actions during day. (a) Infantry: Patrols active throughout period, reconnoitering patrols in the Bois des Haravillers and in the territory immediately west of the Etang de Lachaussee. One patrol sent out from the right sub-sector to distribute propaganda returned, was unable to reach its objective. (b) Artillery: Harrassing fire on enemy positions and gas concentration on enemy batteries. (c) Aeronautics: Active; several enemy flights driven back over his lines by Allied planes. (d) Movements: Nothing to report. (e) Work done by command: Units occupying position on the line strengthening and improving shelter and positions. Units in rest areas policing and cleaning up preparatory to starting of training schedule. VII. Information received of Neighboring units. None. VIII. Orders Received. Field Orders No. 52, IVth Corps, 30 October, 1918. IX. Orders Issued. None.
[page 2] X. Results of Actions, Own and Enemy. Locations of enemy outposts in the left sub-sector taken over from the 39th French Division definitely established. Casualties during period--wounded, three; gassed, one. XI. Maps Illustrating Above. None. XII. Estimate of Situation. Unchanged. XIII. Plans for Future. To continue active patrolling and organization of sector as outlined in the Plan of Defense from IVth Army Corps. XIV. Morale-Good. Supplies-Normal. Weather- Clear. Visibility- Good. W.C. Sweeney, Chief of Staff Distribution
Title | Headquaters 28th Division Daily Operations Report - October 31, 1918 |
Creator | Sweeney, W.C. |
Source | Sweeney, W.C. Daily Operations Report. 31 October 1918. World War I Collection. A1771. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri. |
Description | In this daily operations report, Headquarters 28th Division provided details on the events that occurred between noon October 30, 1918 and noon October 31, 1918. Daily Operations |
Subject LCSH | United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces; United States. Army. Division, 28th; Military Operations, Strategy and Tactics. |
Subject Local | World War I; WWI |
Site Accession Number | A1771 |
Contributing Institution | Missouri History Museum |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond those allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Missouri History Museum: 314-746-4510 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. Contact the Missouri History Museum's Permissions Office at 314-746-4511 to obtain written consent. |
Date Original | October 31, 1918 |
Language | English |