Headquarters 28th Division Daily Operations Report - October 21, 1918
Headquarters 28th Division. American Expeditionary Forces. France G-3/5 21st October, 1918. Daily Operation Report From noon 20 October to noon 21 October, [1918]. I. Hostile Situation at beginning of day. Unchanged. II. Information received of enemy during day. Small groups of enemy seen moving towards Charey; truck moving towards Dommartin along road from 363.1-246. III. Hostile movement and conduct during day. (a) Infantry: Occasional bursts machine gun fire and some trench mortar activity in left sub sector. (b) Artillery: Considerable shelling in the right sub sector; spasmodic interdiction fire on Thiaucourt with intermittent harrassing fire during the night on rear areas in the vicinity of Euvezin. In the left sub sector intermittent harrassing fire on Bois de la Grand Souche, Beney, St. Benoit road. (c) Aeronautics: One enemy plane over our lines 9:20, flying low apparently on reconnaissance mission; stayed over lines some time. (d) Movements: See Intelligence Report. IV. Maps Illustrating the Above. None. V. Own Situation at beginning of day. Unchanged. VI. Own Changed, Movements and Action during day. (a) Infantry: Our reconnaissance patrols operating in front of right sub sector were compelled to withdraw to our lines without accomplishing their mission due to machine gun fire. Work continued on improvement of all positions. (b) Artillery: Slight decrease noted in our own artillery activity, but some counter-battery work on enemy batteries in vicinity of Bois De Perrier and Bois de Gde. Fontaine with apparent effect. Some harrassing fire on enemy front lines and other sensitive points. (c) Aeronautics: Inactive due to atmospheric conditions. Only one Allied plane observed over our line during period. (d) Movements: No movement of troops other than those required to improve positions in the sector held. (e) Work done by command: General improvement in strengthening of sector. VII. Information received of neighboring units. None. VIII. Orders received. None. IX. Maps Illustrating the Above. None. X. Results of Actions, Own and Enemy. None. XI. Maps Illustrating the Above. None. XII. Estimate of Situation. Situation unchanged.
[page 2] XIII. Plans for the Future. IN accordance with instructions from 4th Corps. XIV. Morale-Good. Supplies-Normal. Weather-Rain. Visibility-poor. E.P. Denson, A.C. of S., G-3. Dist.
Title | Headquarters 28th Division Daily Operations Report - October 21, 1918 |
Creator | Denson, E.P. |
Source | Denson, E.P. Daily Operations Report. 21 October 1918. World War I Collection. A1771. Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri. |
Description | In this daily operations report, Headquarters 28th Division provided details on the events that occurred between noon October 20, 1918 and noon October 21, 1918. |
Subject LCSH | United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces; United States. Army. Division, 28th; Military Operations, Strategy and Tactics. |
Subject Local | World War I; WWI |
Site Accession Number | A1771 |
Contributing Institution | Missouri History Museum |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond those allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Missouri History Museum: 314-746-4510 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. Contact the Missouri History Museum's Permissions Office at 314-746-4511 to obtain written consent. |
Date Original | October 21, 1918 |
Language | English |