Letter to Florence from Ernest McNish - April 7, 1918
[Y.M.C.A. letterhead] April 7 1918. Dear Florence: I was very glad to get the nice long letters from you and Mother. One was dated [February] 25. Was interested to know Mrs Thompson had written to you. I wrote Ed not long ago and will write to his folks soon. So Edie got measles did she. Am glad to know they of a light form. If you have not already done so & have an extra copy of the paper containing the Big headline about more send a copy to Elizabeth. She would be interested. The Easter card is pretty and I thank you for it. The next letter was dated March 6. Am glad the money
came safely. I have had my March pay. $153.00 placed to my credit in the Brownlee bank & if you can use if I will write you an order on it and if you need more to pay on the farm I would just as soon let my surplus go there. The other letter is dated March 9 I wear woolen sox all the time as they seem to keep my feet in better shape than the thinner cotton ones. I have not see bill Bider or Claude R. I have written to Claude some time ago but with no reply. Glad to get Lavenias letter too. Elizabeth sent me a letter from Lura so I feel as if I have heard directly from them. Tell
[Y.M.C.A. letterhead] page 3: I continue to keep in very excellent health. Getting good meals & plenty of sleep also enough exercise so I am really having a good time all through. Yes Indeed. I have seen many wonderful sights. The country & people are interesting and the war activity that one sees is very interesting too. I get mail in bunches. Yesterday I got about 15 letters then about 15 days ago another bunch. Hope you get the Postal cards etc that I have sent. It has been raining the past week but the weather is not so changeable as [Missouri]
April weathe. Gib is feeling fine too. There are lots of fellows I know but have not seen any of the B
[Y.M.C.A. letterhead] we get sometime. Had a nice letter from Hunt Brow, also one from a boy in St. Joe. whom I know. Was interested to know Edna had married. Uncle Fred will enjoy being in [Missouri] again. So will I for that matter. When will I be in U.S.? You ask. Well you can tell as well as I. Flroence I don
of course a lot of it will be worth face value after the war. The French say
Title | Letter to Florence from Ernest McNish - April 7, 1918 |
Creator | Ernest Alfred McNish |
Description | A letter to Florence from Ernest McNish |
Contributing Institution | Private Collector |
Date Original | April 7, 2018 |
Language | English |