Missouri Over There

John Franklin Hardesty Letter to Mother - July 28, 1917


On board R.M.S. "Adriatic." 4 24 p.m. July 28, 1917 400p.m. Dear Mother We left at 3:00 p.m. yesterday and have been going right along since It is rumored that we may stop at Halifax so I am writing this in the hope that I may be able to mail it at that time. Am feeling fine so far but the water has been quiet It is getting a little more choppy now however and I suspect I’ll be feeling uneasy if it gets worse. The temperature has fallen about 20 [degrees] since this a.m. at Eight and it is too cold to go about on deck in shirt sleeves. I may write more later John


Title John Franklin Hardesty Letter to Mother - July 28, 1917
Creator Hardesty, John Franklin
Source Hardesty, John Franklin. Letter to Mother. 28 July 1917. John Franklin Hardesty Papers, 1867-2007. A2293. Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Description John Franklin Hardesty entered the U.S. Army Medical Corps and volunteered to serve as surgeon with the British Army during WWI. In this letter to his mother, Evaline, Hardesty described his voyage over seas aboard the R.M.S. Adriatic.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918--Transportation
Subject Local WWI; World War I; R.M.S. Adriatic
Site Accession Number A2239
Contributing Institution Missouri History Museum
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Date Original July 28, 1917
Language English