Missouri Over There

John Franklin Hardesty Letter to John F. Nugent - June 27, 1929


June 27th, 1929. Mr. John F. Nugent, Investment Building, Washington D.C. Dear Sir: I have your letter in regard to Lieutenant Isaacs. I remember quite well the sorry plight of Lieutenant Isaacs when he was released from solitary confinement. I have a diary which gives the date of his arrival at camp Villigen and the date of his release from the guard house. However, I have not proof except your statement that you are representing Lieutenant Isaacs. If he requests the information, or writes me that you are his representative, I shall be very glad to furnish an affidavit covering all the important points I can. Very truly yours, Dr. JFH:BR


Title John Franklin Hardesty Letter to John F. Nugent - June 27, 1929
Creator Hardesty, John Franklin
Source Hardesty, John Franklin. Letter to John F. Nugent. 27 June 1929. John Franklin Hardesty Papers, 1867-2007. A2293. Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Description John Franklin Hardesty entered the U.S. Army Medical Corps and volunteered to serve as a surgeon with the British Army during WWI. In March of 1918, he was captured by Germans in Amiens, France. Hardesty was imprisoned at Ratstatt and Villingen Prisoner of War Camps for eight months. Hardesty corresponded with the men he was imprisoned with for many years after their release from prison. In this letter to John F. Nugent, Hardesty detailed his recollections of the treatment of Lt. Isaacs at Villingen Prisoner of War Camp.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918--Germany; World War, 1914-1918--Prisoners; Escaped prisoners
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Site Accession Number A2239
Contributing Institution Missouri History Museum
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Date Original June 27, 1929
Language English