John Franklin Hardesty Diary - March 19, 1918 - December 2, 1918
Tues. March 19th 1918 Rejoined Battalion Letters from Mother & Lee answered found O.C. Col Unthank (John) away for 6 mo. & Maj Osborne gone – Capt. Gray in Command 20 Frank to Mess Sergeant Paid mess Bill. 50 F. Wed. March 20th [1918] Maj. McIntosh or McIntyre came to take command.
Thurs. March 21st Was awakened at 5:30 am by a heavy barrage which soon settled on our village of Lebucquiere About Eight casualties sent away after which we quickly started up to our support position going all the distance through a heavy barrage – Village destroyed before we left O.C. wounded in thigh 3 hrs after taking position. Friday March 22nd Entire day spent in watching enemy mass to left of road & be broken up by shell fire Another Div. went over behind tanks – 19th and I had many woosters etc as casualties
Sat. March 23rd Mr. Williams wounded in elbow. Mr Gander in chest and abdomen. Colder, Forsythe & Ferguson didn't return. Capt Gray & Mr. Cooper left to make contact with batt. on right at about 2 pm. Gray wounded & Cooper gone so I was told. McCrae shot in neck & just as I finished dressing him the enemy was upon us – Taken to [ms illegible: 1 wd] where I met Brown & Davidson. Marched on to St. Olle by 10 pm. Lost Sam Brown & Putties. Sunday March 24th Brown & Davidson were taken away together with other officers at 10 am. and I was left alone with servant. At 2 p.m. I was marched at the head of about 200 men a distance of about 10 kilos to a place called [Thun- l'Eveque] & placed in a new Lager. Found Padre Young, Deming, Torence & McConely
Monday March 25 Spent a miserable night in a bare hut without fire sleeping on damp ground without cover. Rain and cold. Tues. March 26th Another night like the last Very cold wet and disagreeable
Wed March 27th Have a small stove now but spend most of the 24 hours walking about to keep warm Bought Putties from a Tommy Thurs March 28th Marched from [Thun- l'Eveque] to [Denain] – a distance of about 20 Kilometers. Many F. in the villages passed were anxious to share their meagre rations of which we were sorely in need. On arrival were put into a house with stove and straw Polliases - also covers - very comfortable
Friday March 29th Day passed quietly with many rumors Bought tooth brush and paste Sat. March 30th All but noncombatants taken away – Good riddance if we can lose Ross and machine gunner
Sunday March 31st (Easter) Marched from [Denain] to [Marchiennes] a distance of about 20 kilometers Started at 7 p.m. and arrived at 12 p.m. Most of trip made in rain. On arriving we were put into a large barn with tiers of wood beds on which was some hay. Very little sleep – parted with men for all time I suppose. Monday April 1st Entrained at 3 p.m. presumably for [Karlsruhe] – Train did not start until we had retired. Eleven of us with a guard in HE Class carriage Seating capacity nine and to sleep we piled any way on floor and seats
Tues. April 2nd Awoke- or would have had we slept – at any rate arose at [Valenciennes] – Went through Le Quesnoy & Berlaimont. Aulnoye, Dompierre, Fourmies. First food for 30 hrs. Wed. April 3rd Through Blagny, Douzy Pierrepont (Still in Lorraine Made about 10 kilos this day
Thurs. April 4th Through [ms illegible: 1 wd] Wadgassen Wehrden Saarbrucken (food) Zweibrucken Crossed the river Rhine which was disappointing as a river at point of crossing Friday April 5th Arrived at Rastatt at 1000 a.m. and were marched to Lager after having breakfast before arrival. Were given a bath in P.m. and had clothing steamed The latter was badly needed as well as the bath Sent a card to Liaison officer asking him to cable – also asking for food.
Sat. April 6th Wonderfully refreshened after a good nights sleep & the bath Bread & coffee for breakfast – Stew for lunch & again for supper Brought few small biscuits 15 for 2.50 marks – size 1 1/2 ins by ¾ in. All conversation turn to eating and have done for over a week Sunday April 7th unable to buy much. While putty-like [ms illegible: 1 wd] not sold for soap but useless as such very pretty view from this Lager – off to east beautiful mountains
Monday April 8th Were given 20 marks today Some F. officers kindly gave us some biscuits which we ate very greedily & yet savingly. Tuesday April 9th wrote a letter-card to Lee. Heard a shot early in night and now heard that an officer in block two was shot trying to escape
Wed. April 10th Moved to block two of Lager. Bought German Dictionary & knife 2.90 & 3 marks respectively. Thurs April 11th at 630 a.m. One officer seemed to be having a nightmare but an attempt to awaken him showed him to be dying cause of death unknown. Hair cut short.
April 12th Took ½ cc Cholera vaccine & helped to inoculate officers [April] 13th Took 1 cc Typhus vaccine
April 14th Sunday Went to Pres. services Bought [German] wordbook Cigarettes 3.75 M for 25. Biscuits 4 for marks At least fifty [Medical Officers] herr – counting those sent on – and at least twenty of that number Americans [April] 15th Took second shot of Cholera vac. 1.C.C. Some officers Jefferies & Strauss left for Karlsruhe. Royal Seat officer came today (white) Clocks setup one hour.
[April] 16th Stand abed today Wrote card to Joe Jane issue today April 17th Wrote letter-card home My name was called to go to Karlsruhe on Friday Goodrich and I looking forward eagerly. Feeling much better
[April] 18th Drew 25 marks which was turned in at office for collection at K. Have been told to breakfast at 7 a.m. & move off at 715. (Next day – ready at 715 & after waiting an hour in the cold snowy down were told to disperse but keep ready to move off.) April 19th Friday left Rastatt Lager at 1140 am & Station at 700 p.m. Arrived at Karlsruhe at 200 p.m. & were put in old hotel in town. Doors locked Supper of veg. soup. Parted with Goodrich presumably for night. Have a real bed & hope to sleep well. Snow this a.m. – Party split 25 [ms illegible: 1 wd] in hotel
[April] 20th Sat. Slept well – most of twelve hours. Breakfast consisted of one small cup coffee substitute cold. Bought a tin of Sardines for 3 mark – no oil. No washing facilities Four weeks today since I was captured. Questioned today. All off. removed but 4 [American] [Medical Officers] [April] 21st Sunday Searched for compass, measure, mirror, notes gold coins, camera etc. This a.m. The room door is left open at our request that we may walk in the hall. Finally obtained a towell. Told that we will depart tomorrow a.m. for camp in Black Forest and arrive at noon. Good dinner of potatoes & first meat tasted. Charged 6 marks for less than 3 days rations
April 22nd Left Karlsruhe at 820 a.m. and got Villingen at 5 p.m. Nothing to eat except some cakes bought Passed through [April] 23rd Rec'd 10 M. Bought knife fork spoon cup & Saucer. Went to Kinema last night & heard Red Wing and a few other [American] airs played Slept well last night on [ms illegible: 1 wd] bed but today I have moved now in cubicle 20 X 20 with four Russian officers Have roll call at 930 a.m. & 7p.m.
April 24th Found a 100 F. note today & bought [English French] Dictionary Y.M.C.A. man from [ms illegible: 1 wd] came today & took names with that of nearest relatives Also gave the same thing in at office Looking forward anxiously for arrival of first parcel which in all probability will not be before June. Had a bit of cheese as gift. [April] 25th Wrote six page letter to Joe – bought socks and had a good bath & change with borrowed underclothing 4 50 M for sox & 8 50 M for Raz 2 50 M for shaving brush. Bought 2lb. jam for 3 M. and plate for 1 50 M. Slept very cold last night so shall try to remedy the bed tonight. One R Officer gave me some soap Lettuce & potatoes – good- dinner
26th April Had a good shave this am. Good Lunch of fish potatoes & turnips. The "Continents Turies" at Wed [April] 24th say of the Ger. offensives which had lasted a month last Sunday 117,000 prisoners & 1550 guns all told & that England admitted a total loss of 500,000 up to [April] 5th. Also a very scathing article by Lt. Col von Herworth against Wilson An unsigned article purporting to show Americas predicament re trains & boats for shipping [April] 27th Bought 4 lbs marmalade for 6 m. Bought [French] books from officer 5 m. [Russian] officer sick so I made stew of carrots beets, Drippings (scarce) & garlic. Five [Russian] officers of this Bar. told off to leave the 30th Learned today that the altitude of Villingen is 750 meter
April 28th Got photo from Lt Prokop who also gave me some tea Rained entire day and I was troubled with my old stomach complaint Read "Prisoner of Zenda" by Anthony Hope. Have now lost 25 lbs in weight - 72 kg [April] 29th Prokop received a parcel & had me to tea. Wrote Mother & Lee. Sun shining part of day. Had first issue of sugar today 140 Gm & small bit of jam. Raised again in p.m. Boiled potatoes & beet root for supper
[April] 30th Signed up this a.m. to draw 450 m tomorrow. About 50 [Russian] officers left this am. Has rained every day since arrival here. May 1st Wednesday Rec'd 407.85 marks today – Board taken out for 10 da in May & for the 8 day of [April] here – Had previously paid for April at Rastatt & 6 m. at Karlsruhe. Later was called to office & 36.75 collected for hours for rest of month. Bought picture of the camp. Five other [American] [Medical Officers] came in p.m. More rain Bought 2 lb. jam for 3 m. Also bought tea pot for 3 m. Paid 2 m to Garcon.
May 2nd Nine officers came today – one Seaforth & other eight merchant marine off. who had [Red Cross] parcels. First real feed since capture & some good tobacco These officers have quite good tales to tell - being captured 7-8 months Rained most of day May 3rd Beautiful day moved to Bar. one with other Americans who gave me clothing 20 M to Mr. Moore.
May 4th Two more [American] officer come today from our army Wrote card to [American] Red Cross at [Bern, Switzerland] May 5th Sunday This day is Easter for the [Russian] officers and as a result we got two eggs each. Wrote cards to Lee & Mother May 6th Nothing unusual Rain again
May 7th Marines recd. five large boxes of food from Red Cross – all most welcome having quite a lot of cigarettes. May 8th Some of the Marines got parcels from Denmark Y.M.C.A. Read again the Sea Wolf by Jack London Weight is now at a standstill 72 kg Read "Prisoner of Zenda" by Anthony Hope – fairly good
May 10th Went for a long walk today for first time. Verdure very beautiful after bare barrack Rain in p.m. 130 180 310 20 20 350 450 100 350 188 162 May 11th Went for walk again today. Better than yesterday. Exchanged beds with Mr. Moore. Took my usual Sat. bath Rain again May 12th Sunday Wrote cards to Mother & R Rained all last night and today is cold and dreary. Were called to office and requested to return some of pay – & to return all over 100 m. All I could return was 288 m get 38m from Karlsruhe
May 13th More rain read "Battle of the Strong" by Sir Gilbert Parker Good book –Scene Jersey Island and France May 14th Read the Fighting Chance by Robert Chambers Mostly piffle of so called "high society" More rain. Kinema May 15th Read "Innocence at Home" (Mark Twain) again – Dont care much for it. May 16th Washed out some clothing today. Fine weather
May 17th Got first parcel today from Copenhagen Y.M.C.A. containing tobacco, chocolate coffee, milk, biscuits beans & oatmeal & soap, Good weather May 18th Went for nice long walk in am. Beautiful day Roll call changed from 930 a.m. to 9 a.m. with Sundays & holidays 1000 May 19th Sunday Another fine day until P.M. then cloudy & rain. Wrote card to Mother Read "Being Done Good" by Edward B. Leut a suffer from Rheumatism
May 20th Fine day May 21st Another fine day two [Medical Officers] detailed to leave tomorrow. Destination unknown. May 22nd Good day. Three new American officers came this Pm taking the place of Abbot and Burke who left this a.m.
May 23rd Beautiful day. Went for long walk to the dividing line between [Wurttemberg] and Baden. More [Red Cross] parcels for Marines. May 24th Beautiful day Went for walk May 25th Got first [Red Cross] Parcels from [Bern, Switzerland] containing Razor, soap, wash cloth, cigarettes bacon, candy, bread biscuits, tooth paste & brush, Shaving brush, comb, beef (2), beans & milk (2)
May 26th Sunday – Card from Y.M.C.A. at Berlin saying parcel was sent on the 18th This card mailed 24th Some rain today Wrote card to Mother May 27th Fair day May 28th Cold and windy May 29th Weather disagreeable as yesterday
May 30th Decoration Day Spanish [Ambassador] representative came today Also Red Cross Commission Still windy & cold May 31st Got books – Petit Pareseue & Berlitz in three parts. June 1st Was paid today for June 450m-60-Refund od 188m and 18m from Rastatt for pay for April – got only 100 m basis for April June 2nd Sunday Fine day but very long Wrote card to Mother & Joe
June 3rd Read "Lifes Shop Window" by Victoria Cross or at best started it – not only is it utter piffle but it is actually immoral Red Cross Parcels good June 4th Finished reading The "Garden of Allah" by Robert Hicheus, Very good book but tedious & long drawn out. June 5th Got letter from [St. Louis] Dr. Tupper - mailed April 17th and made good time June 6th Days very long. Sun sets at 9 p.m. & it is not dark at 1030 Rises at six.
June 7th Parcel from Y.M.C.A. cont. a comfort kit acknowledged it & wrote card to Mrs. E.R. Stewart, Hamilton, Montana June 8th Had letter from Joe, the first from outside direct. It was mailed May 24th Also a letter from [Red Cross] at [Bern]. June 9th Sunday Wrote card to Joe and to [Red Cross] at [Bern]. Recd La Belgique today.
June 12th Got another [Red Cross] parcel today. Another letter also from [Red Cross] re. reserve food supply and answered June 13th Were told that some marine officers are to be sent to mens camp June 14th Have six more cards for this month
June 16th Sunday Wrote home & to Lee June 17th Rain all day June 18th Rain, Some [Russian] Officers Left today Letter from Ethel Homo written March 9th June 19th Another [Red Cross] parcel today. Bright day – first for quite a while.
June 20th Some rain today One may read without lights until after 1000 p.m. Lights come on at that time. Is not really dark at 1030 June 21st Rained entire day & cold June 23rd Sunday Cards to Mother & Rose June 24th Moved into separate room with Mr. Oleson
June 26th Received clothing parcel from [Red Cross] containing 2 sts pajamas, 2 shirts, 2 sts under 3 socks, 3 hdkfs, 2 towels Autostrop razor & housewife Caps Blume, Richardson & Colstead left today for Camp Brandenburg. Good day for this country June 27th Letter from Joe dated May 31st & answered June 28th [Red Cross] parcel today new A. officer Lt. Willis attached to [French] Aviation Corps. June 30th Sunday Beautiful day. Card to Mother
July 1st Monday [Red Cross] parcel today. Gave some food to R. committee Got paid 395. M. total 900. New [American] officer Mr. Tuiney July 2nd Letter from Joe date June 7th cont. letter from mother & T.O. wrote Joe. July 4th Had good dinner in memory of independence Rained most of day July 5th Mr.Hoffman of Y.M.C.A. came today. July 6th More rain. Naval officer came today but is kept in g.h. Letters from Mother & Rose.
July 7th Sunday – wrote Mother & Rose July 9th Letter from Helen B. & answered July 10th Rain today. July 11th Four parcels from Joe today. Four letters from [St. Louis] Am told 26 more await censoring July 12th Another parcel from Joe & 23 letters. July 13th Four letters from [St. Louis] & one from Rose [Red Cross] parcels. July 14th Sunday Letters to Mother & Joe French Celebrate indep. day July 15 Fine day
July 16th Letter from Joe containing those from R.R. Lizzie Daz & M L wrote Mary Lee. July 18th Two letter from Lizzie. July 19th Three [Medical Officers] came today July 20th Naval man Mr. Isaacs let out of guard house Began French with John July 21st Sunday – Wrote Lee July 22nd Started new mess
July 24th Finished reading [Anna Karenina] by [Tolstoy] July 28th Sunday Rained all day. Finished reading "Mon Oncle et Mon Autre" by Jean de La Brete. Very good. Wrote Mother & Joe. July 29th Finished reading 2nd Book Berlitz July 30th Began Ph. [French] class
[August] 1st Thursday Was paid 395 m. today [August] 2nd Thirteen new officers came today – 2 [Medical Officers] John – French cook left. Rain in p.m. [August] 3rd Relieved as senior off Aug 4th Sunday Wrote Mother [August] 5th Parcel from Joe – cig tobacco, biscuits & milk [August] 6th Finished reading Perdue by Henry Greville Two letters from Joe Mailed June 26th & July 18th Last contained ones from mother Mary Lee & Lee [August] 7th Two parcels from Joe with cap razor, cheese tea etc
Wrote Joe . [August] 10th Wrote [August] 11th Sunday Wrote Mother [August] 13th Parcel from Mary Lee [August] 14th Recd. 303. M. balance of pay for April – total now 1200 Paid servant 2 m. [August] 15th Ascension Letters from Lizzie & Susie date July 7th Cath-Padre with us.
[August] 16th Parcel from Joe – Sugar Biscuits marmalade & bully. Two more parcels from Joe which had gone to Friedrichshafen Wrote Joe re overcoat. Two letters from Mother of July 10th & 17th One year ago landed in France [August] 17th Warm day – probably warmest to now [August] 18th Sunday Wrote Mother Read The girl of the Limberlost" by Gene Shratton Porter Good but like all her others [August] 19th Two new officers came but were soon put in jug as they had tried to escape [August] 20th Read "Little Citizens" by Myra Kelly good bit of yid. school life
[August] 21st One officer put in jug for something in Diary [August] 23rd Letter from Lizzie two from Mary Lee & one from Glenn. Warmest of season [August] 24th Paid servant 2 m. parcel from Joe [August] 25th Sunday. Wrote Mother [August] 26th Six old letters from Batt. Glenn & Paul [August] 27th Letter from Joe of July 29th He has had more since [April] 24 Two old ones from Batt.
[August] 28th Letter from M. L. dated after I was reported missing Bought watch for 100 m. [August] 29th Recd three Br. [Red Cross] parcels from Copenhagen with biscuits sent July 13th-30th Bought Purse 1150 am [August] 30th Letters from Kit, Off , Ethel H., Esther B. Frances Vaughn Kitty Wells Evalena and Bertha Williams [August] 31st Was paid 390 M. for [September] Total now 1500 m. Shoe polish & brush 5 m –mess 25 m. Wrote Joe & Jack Milne [September] 1st Sunday. Paper says U.S. [Ambassador] to Holland has departed for [Bern] to the conference [September] 2nd Letters from Mother & John R. dated last of July.
[September] 3rd Three new Aviators one Maj came today One card from M.L. [September] 6th Chalmers returned [September] 7th One [Russian] officer escaped [September] 8th Sunday. Wrote Mother [September] 9th Parcel from Joe [September] 10th Thirteen new officers came today. Letters from Ethel & Mary
[September] 11th Letter from Joe, Rose Lee & Kitty [September] 12th Wrote Joe [September] 14th Wrote [Red Cross] for Overcoat shoes, blankets, Sweater, gloves, muffler & sleeping sox. [September] 15th Sunday Read "The Thousandth Woman" by E. U. Harmony Very Amateurish – [September] 16th Wrote Mother & Lee Clocks set back 1 hr [September] 17th Moved into larger room Spanish Commiss. came [September] 18th Maj. Brown left for Rastatt to meet Span. Com
[September] 22nd Sunday [September] 23rd Wrote Mother Letter from Joe. Maj B. returned Convention supposed to start today [September] 24th Letters from Joe & Rose [September] 25th Wrote Joe & Rose [September] 26th Reread "David Copperfield" [September] 27th Letter from Joe, E Byrne & Kitty
[September] 29th Sunday First Cinema Last night Wrote Mother – [September] 30th Rained all day [October] 1st Tuesday Paid 395 M. today. Had left 1350 total now 1700 [October] 2nd Papers have good news these days. [October] 3rd Better news Bulgaria capitulated [October] 5th Talk of Turkey seeking peace. [October] 6th Mess cut down to two Pringle Max wrote Wilson [October] 7th Must be abed at 10 P.M. No Walking after Appeal. [October] 8th German Army Came
[October] 9th No windows allowed to be opened on outside [October] 10th Not allowed to drink water after appeal [October] 11th Last of [Russian] Officers left B. back in Prison Letter from Helen B. Glenn, & Rose [October] 12th Letter from Mrs. Elsie Billingsley Laforgue 19 Rue De Pomereu dated May - Paris 16 [October] 13th Wrote Mother & Mrs. Laforgue [October] 15th New Merchant Marine came last night
[October] 19th Thirty one new Officers came today. [October] 20th Sunday Read "The Woman Thou Gavest Me" by Hall Caine – Very good. [October] 21st Letter from Kitty Mary Helen & Lee to France. One from Susie of [September] 18th [October] 22nd Letters from Lizzie, Ethel & Rose Wrote Rose & Lee [October] 23rd Spanish Ambass. came today – Let. from Mary Lee & [ms illegible: 1 wd]
[October] 25th McKenzie & Dow left today for another camp. [October] 26th Finished "The Parisians" by Edward Bulwer. [October] 27th Sunday Wrote Mother & Joe [October] 28th Read "The House of Pomegranates" by Oscar Wilde [October] 30th Letter from Marie V. [October] 31st moved into small room Wrote Lee Was paid 393 marks [November] 1st Turkey has agreed to terms of armistice [November] 2nd About thirty new officer came this p.m. Read Shelly's Prometheus Unbound - 1817
[November ]3rd Sunday Wrote Mother. [November] 4th Buried one officer Lt Died of Pneumonia Paper says Austria has agreed to armistice which goes into effect at 3 p.m. [November] 5th Terms of [Austrian] Armistice made public [November] 6th Papers say reply from Washington not arrived much gain in West front [November] 7th News says delegates have departed for west front (Guise) military success great. Battle & Tucker left [November] 8th Paper Says Soc. [ms illegible: 1 wd] gave [Kaiser] 24 hrs to abdicate Bavaria declares Independence
[November] 9th Gen Foch has given enemy 72 hrs to accept conditions of Armistice – fight continues Paper says [Kaiser] has abdicated & Prince Max Resigned. [November] 10th Battle of Tucker returned. Jeff still Sick [November] 11th Terms of armistice in Evening paper says terms accepted & hostilities ceased at 11 a.m. today. At appeal command sent word we would get home in very few days Jeff sent to hospital [November] 12th Went to see Jeff [November] 13th letter from Joe. Got stuff of Willis [November] 14th Saw Jeff & temp normal
[November] 15th Letter from Rose Wrote Joe, Mother, Rose & A.E. Co. Father Nugent came. [November] 16th Read "Last Days of Pompeii" by Bulwer- Lytton Pompeii [November] 17th Sunday Wrote – G Clark & 7 others Snow most of afternoon [November] 18th Jeff returned from hosp. [November] 19th Officer from Rastatt caused much dissatisfaction by saying we would not be out by thanksgiving [November] 20 McDowel is called to Berlin Read "An Island Voyage" by R.L. Stevenson [November] 21st Fifty [British] officers came from Rastatt. Got [German] money
[November]22nd French are being sent home. [November] 23rd Were allowed to go to town alone first time. [November] 24th Were told at noon that we are to leave for Constance at 11 a.m. tomorrow Mr. Hoffman came [November] 25th Leaving time changed to 525 a.m. tomorrow [November] 26th Left at 530 and got to Constance at about 900 a.m, [November] 27th Food good. Are told we are to leave Friday a.m. allowed to walk this side of river
[November] 28th Thanksgiving Had good dinner from our sections. Movement orders out to leave at 630 [November] 29th Left camp at 630 & train left at 9:15 Lunch at 1200 m. at Zurich. Greatest reception on earth at [Bern] Reached Geneva at about 11 p.m. & staid about an hour. Arrived at Bellegarde at 230 a.m. & were put into hospital train [November] 30th Staid on aiding until 700 p.m. and left for Allerey [December] 1st Arrived at Base no. 26 at Allerey at 800 a.m. & detrained at 1100 a.m. were put into hosp ward & culture taken confined to ward Sent cable to Lee by [ms illegible: 1 wd]
[December] 2nd Quarantine strictly enforced. Wrote Rose Mother & Joe Cabled home thru hosp. [December] 3rd Still quarantined [December] 4th Same [December] 5th Same [December] 6th Wrote Rose [December] 7th Quarantine removed at 3 P.M. Had dinner with Miss Herrick at Verdun. Applied for 7 da leave to [ms illegible: 1wd] & Paris [December] 8th Left [Allerey], at 530 a.m. after waiting 6 1/2 hrs.
Sooner than you expected, your day of liberation has arrived. In a short time you will be back again with your own dear people in America. Tell them that the [German] people has no more grievance against them. [Germany] does not consider itself as conquered but as conq., as you can see by the troops coming back from there because it has won its own Lib. Now it is your turn to give the [German] people a just peace in the p terms which will give them liberty to live [ms illegible: 1 wd] & peacefully with the world at large & which will leave us no hate to again disturb the peace of the world We hope you will reach your home safely & find everyone in good health I again request you not to part from [Germany] with hatred against us and to influence your people to look upon [Germany] as it is now, not as it has been judged perhaps justly up to the present time. The new [Germany] has the desire to live in perfect peace with its recent
E. L. Woodson % Woodson Fennewald Comm. Co. National Stock Yds [East St. Louis] Don't pay anything until [ms illegible: 1wd] & in any circumstance not more than he proposed to them unless he gets a cable from M.F.A. Thirty enemies, but in the same manner claims an honorable peace which will give the possibility to live as promised by Pres. Wilson Again happy return home
Alice Lee Herrick Base Hospital 26 Am. P.O. 785 Joseph F. Williamson Sebastopol California Two Dunhill [ms illegible: 1 wd] B.L Faber Westinghaus El. Co. Leslie Burwell Gloucester [Massachusetts] Mrs. [Charles] Holmes 322 So. 5th Ave Tucson, [Arizona]
Transportation Officer U.S. Army Goring Hotel Grosvenor Gardens London S.W. [American] Off. [ms illegible: 1wd] (Y.M.C.A.) 5 Cavendish Square London
I. Exchange/Comb. noncom II. Marines have ask quest. re. 1. Status as his expense money Families of War. Truss for Buchaids walking etc. Address of – Ambass Abbott & Burke What becomes of our regular pay Reg. wife How much wag comb officers tea [American] orderlies Those attached to British? Is one forced to work John
Mr. H. Richardsen Hotel Service Seattle, [Washington] Dr. RH Jeffrey Uniontown [Pennsylvania]. JA Blum 104 Water St. New York [New York] Petrograd. quartie de Petrograd grande Zelenina N=g. app. 53. Serg Sergeievitch Lvanoff-Lalivien Horace P Wells 1464 Milwaukee Dr. Denver [Colorado]
AMERICAN RED CROSS CENTRAL COMMITTEE for AMER. PRIS. HIRSCHENGRABEN 6. BERN SCHWEIZ from Joe 2 Sts under. 2 Shirts 4 pr. sox 1 Raincoat 1 Sweater 1 knit helmet 6 tins meat 2 lb. biscuits tobac & cig 3 towels 8 Hdkfs. Soap
Evelyn Pick 16 Stalbridge House Hampstead Road London N.W. T Absender: Offiziergefangenenlager Villngen, Baden Bar II. St. 9. Deutschland [Charles] Braunbeck 1302 Kentucky Ave. St. Louis [Missouri]
Dear [ms illegible: 1wd] – I wrote this with the hope that you will get it with delay & act accordingly. The first thing to do is write home & reassure them fully as to my good condition both as to health surrounding and mental ease. After that as I wrote before I want you to [ms illegible: 1wd] to send or have sent a weekly package containing things I shall name & which cannot be procured here. In this package send articles of food such as biscuits, cheese, tined meats tea coffee cocoa, Sugar jams, chocolate [ms illegible: 1wd] way. Besides this weekly package I need to be kept supplied with clothing such as under wear, socks handkerchiefs shirts etc. I understand this is no limit to the number of packages I may use. Most of this can [ms illegible: 1wd] be gotten from Q.M. stores & as for the money – I have 1000 Fr. A.E. Co. & at least 500 F in Cox B if you have trouble drawing on that
I think if you would show them this letter it would help. I read in a [German] paper that if ones captivity was taken up with the U.S. govt individually it would be much quicker getting exchanged so you had better take it up with [Washington] way you see fit next in importance to the guards please write me often and keep me posted as to family affairs being careful not to write what shouldn't be. I understand it takes 2 mo. to get a reply from this so I hope you so I hope you have acted in the card I wrote you If you look this place up on the map you will see it is on top of the mountains in the south and the air is very cool. Six other [American Medical Officers] here with me- all the rest about 220 I think are [Russian] officers so I shall try to learn German & French I understand this is to be on perm lager for [Americans] My letters must be few but shall try to write how often.
Jeffrey – yes Moore no – Colstead – no – Olsen – no Quigley – no Bloom –no Truggett – no Richardson yes Byrd – no Edens –yes Crawford – no McKenzie – yes Struress yes Buckard no Bowman no Gallagher no Patrick yes Redmond – yes Mackey – Jenkins – McDowell - Kern - no Gordon no oeuf boruf une Leur Buntings Shoe Shop 34 Rue Mont Thbour (near) (continued)
What is it N.F. sees the picture Marguerite Mueller Paris Where Miss Bixby(Lausanne, [Switzerland]) Mr. A.C. Harte % [American] Legation, [Bern] International Secy for Europe Internal comm. Y.M.C.A. 124 E 28th St. [New York City]
Maj. J.S. McConnachie Fraserburgh Scotland Lieut. Roger Gasquet 116 rue La Boetie Paris Lieut Paul Nicou 17 Boul. Flandrin Paris Friends of Prokop. Sador Prokop Lieut. 100 Inf. Regt [Russian] Army His uncle in Poland Poland Bialystok Brzestka ul dom Wlasny Feliks Poplawskidla. Isadore Prokopa Marie Procop Trappe d' Uberg por Charmes Vosges France His aunt-a nun
250 Frances 25 Hancock 10 Putties 215 15 Food & cig 200 On arrival at Rastatt his mothers friend in London Mme Chesue 2 Albert Road Regents Park London N.W. Lieut Andre Raynaud 100 c Regt Infanterie (Cenize) Tulle au lieu a hout lieu (Charente Infiricieue) 713 et 3 6, 7, 13 et 3 c'est 9
[Photograph] In the good old days of long ago. Cassie
Apr. 23rd 3 p.m. Suchy – Searched – Belt etc St Olle – Field [ms illegible: 1 wd] Levecque – Snow Devaiese – 28th Marcieduie 7 p.m. 12 p.m. Eurante [April] 1st – 5th Rastatt one shot one died vaccinations [Karlsruhe] – Searched & ques. locked in. May 22nd First food from marines. Willis - Isaacs May 25th First [Red Cross] food always news of [Medical Officer] exchange Y.M.C.A. [Red Cross] Escape [October] 6th
Dispensary Release Slip
[back cover]
Title | John Franklin Hardesty Diary - March 19, 1918 - December 2, 1918 |
Creator | Hardesty, John Franklin |
Source | Hardesty, John Franklin. Diary. 19 March 1918 - 2 December 1918. John Franklin Hardesty Papers, 1867-2007. A2293. Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri. |
Description | John Franklin Hardesty entered the U.S. Army Medical Corps and volunteered to serve as a surgeon with the British Army during WWI. In March of 1918, he was captured by Germans in Amiens, France. Hardesty was imprisoned at Ratstatt and Villingen Prisoner of War Camps for eight months. In this diary, Hardesty wrote about his experiences as a prisoner of war at Villingen Prisoner of War Camp. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918--France; World War, 1914-1918--Prisoners; World War, 1914-1918--Germany; World War, 1914-1918--Trench warfare; World War, 1914-1918--Medical care; World War, 1914-1918--Transportation; Missing in action; World War, 1914-1918--Maps; Ba |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I |
Site Accession Number | A2239 |
Contributing Institution | Missouri History Museum |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond those allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Missouri History Museum: 314-746-4510 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. Contact the Missouri History Museum's Permissions Office at 314-746-4511 to obtain written consent. |
Date Original | March 19, 1918-December 2, 1918 |
Language | English |