Missouri Over There

W.C. Kohn letter to Theodore Graebner - October 28, 1918


[Lutheran Church Board letterhead] 10/28/[1918] Dear Brother, I am sending you under separate cover the letters from Lindermann and Schonfeld. I am doing this with the expectation, that you treat this matter entirely confidentially. If you think it in any way a breach of decency or Christian love, then sent them back at once and I will refund the postage. But I thought you could be a help to the Board. Look over the letters and refute them as a Theol. Professor in giving the Board the necessary data to prove that the brethren are wrong. I am studying it up myself, but would also appreciate it very much if you would give a helpful hand. But as I have said this must be strictly confidential and if it cannot be held that way I would not feel hurt if you would refuse them at once to Yours truly WC Kohn


Title W.C. Kohn letter to Theodore Graebner - October 28, 1918
Creator Kohn, W.C.
Source Kohn, W.C. Letter to Theodore Graebner. 28 October 1918. Graebner, Theodore Collection. Concordia Historical Institute, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Letter from W.C. Kohn, President of the Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy, to Professor Theodore Graebner. Kohn sought Graebner's assistance for the Board. Graebner was a Lutheran Pastor and Professor of Philosophy and New Testament Interpretation at the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He was a gifted writer and influential theologian. Throughout his life he wrote various German and English publications including the Lutheran Witness. Graebner helped shape the teachings and culture of the Missouri Synod. The Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy was committed to raising money for camp pastors to be sent to U.S. training camps to help promote the gospel.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918--Public opinion; World War, 1914-1918--Religious aspects; Lutheran Church
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Contributing Institution Concordia Historical Institute
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Date Original October 28, 1918
Language English