Missouri Over There

Theodore Graebner letter to Karl G. Schlerf - September 24, 1918


[September] 24 1918 Rev Karl G Schlerf Chicago Dear brother Schlerf,- I am in receipt of your lines of the 20th acknowledging paragraph in [Lutheran Witness] about your soldiers magazine. I attached no great importance to it but in view of your lines am glad I sent it to the printer. I assure you that where I can put in a good word for your Board and its various departments of work, I shall do it, because I am convinced that you are doing important work with the single view of serving Christ


Title Theodore Graebner letter to Karl G. Schlerf - September 24, 1918
Creator Graebner, Theodore
Source Graebner, Theodore. Letter to Karl G. Schlerf. 24 September 1918. Graebner, Theodore Collection. Concordia Historical Institute, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Letter to Reverend Karl G. Schlerf, editor for the Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy in Chicago, from Professor Theodore Graebner. Graebner discussed the inclusion of Schlerf's recent article in the Lutheran Witness and encouraged him to keep doing his good work. The Lutheran Witness is the official periodical of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod published by the Concordia Publishing House.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918--Public opinion; World War, 1914-1918--Religious aspects; Lutheran Church
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Contributing Institution Concordia Historical Institute
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Date Original September 24, 1918
Language English