Missouri Over There

Theodore Graebner letter to F.A. Hertwig - October 10, 1918


October 10, 1918 Rev FA Hertwig Detroit Dear friend and brother,- We have, after all, decided not to refer to the Detroit resolutions in Camp Pastor matter. Two columns are at present in type in which we bring this matter to the attention of our people and request them to support your move by making pereonal appeals to representatives etc. But just as we are making up the form for the next Witness, we receive a report that the anti-Camp Pastor order has been confirmed and will stand. Manifestly there is no purpose now in asking our people to make further efforts. I believe that something ought to be done, in the first place to inform our people just exactly what the status of our Camp Pastors is, and then, what to do in the way of representations to our Washington authorities. Whose business is what? Pfotenhauerts? The War and Navy Board


Title Theodore Graebner letter to F.A. Hertwig - October 10, 1918
Creator Graebner, Theodore
Source Graebner, Theodore. Letter to F.A. Hertwig. 10 October 1918. Graebner, Theodore Collection. Concordia Historical Institute, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Letter to F.A. Hertwig, secretary of the Detroit Conference, from Professor Theodore Graebner. Graebner discussed the concerns of raising publicity to have camp pastors in military camps. The Lutheran Church Board for the Army and Navy was raising money to help soldiers and sailors continue to cultivate their faith. To accomplish this the Board was sending camp pastors to military training camps, sending prayer books to soldiers as well as monthly bulletins.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918--Public opinion; World War, 1914-1918--Religious aspects; Lutheran Church
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Contributing Institution Concordia Historical Institute
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Date Original October 10, 1918
Language English