The Walther League and its Work for Our Boys - ca. 1918
THE WALTHER LEAGUE AND ITS WORK FOR "OUR BOYS" THE AIM Last year on [September] 4th the Lutheran Witness carried the following announcement among its editorials; "The Walther League will assist the Synodical Board in its work by supplying all Lutheran boys in the Army and Navy with a suitable prayer book, well as from time to time providing "Our Boys" with small booklets containing golden portions of the Bible. The Walther League will also send the Lutheran Witness, the Lutheraner, and the Walther League Messenger to all reading rooms at the various camps and army posts. Interesting and instructive Gospel-tracts, furnished by the board, will also be sent to the boys as soon as they can be prepared and printed. "To raise the necessary funds, - $5000.00 is needed so that the Walther League can fulfill these obligations ... preparations to raise this sum are being made and every Walther League society in the country will participate." THE ACHIEVEMENT By the grace of God the Walther League was able to carry out its plan. Not only did the various societies of the League support this worthy cause, but contributions came from many young people societies not affiliated with the League. Instead of $5000.00 more than three times the amount was collected, and used. Approximately 80,000 copies of the Hymnal and Prayer Book, 12,000 Testaments, 260,000 Tracts, 425,000 printed sermons were distributed among the soldiers and sailors, here and abroad. Besides, the camp pastors
[page 2] were supplied with the various periodicals published by synod for distribution among the boys. Over a million sheets of writing paper and envelopes were placed in the Lutheran centers for their use. These efforts of the Walther League were well received and appreciated by our Lutheran soldiers and sailors everywhere, as the many letters from camp pastors and the boys themselves testify. A NEW CAMPAIGN However, the funds gathered for this purpose are now depleted. So far the Walther League was able and willing to carry the burden alone; but the work has now assumed such proportions that the League can no longer "carry on" without help. Therefore it now steps before all the young people of the synodical conference and earnestly solicits their assistance and co-operation in gathering the necessary funds. But you may ask the question, dear Reader; Is this still necessary? since an armistice has been signed and peace is in sight? We answer, Yes. The authorities have declared that it will possibly be two years before all the boys return home. Until then the spiritual care of our Lutheran soldiers and sailors dare not be neglected. In fact, we might even say that such spiritual care is now more necessary, since death no longer stares them in the face. Temptations will perhaps be augmented, and Christian reading matter will help them withstand these onslaughts of Satan, world, and flesh. We must continue this work. Will you help?
[page 3] After consulting with the Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy the sum of $30,000.00 was set as the amount needed for literature, etc., during the coming year. The day, on which we suggest the "drive" be made, is Sunday, December the 8th. A circular, giving all necessary information will be mailed to every pastor within the Synodical Conference, with the request that the pastor take up the matter with his young people. We append a letter from the Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy endorsing this campaign: To the Walther League Board for Army and Navy. The Lutheran Board for Army and Navy, U.S.A. wishes to give expression to its thankfulness to you and to its acknowledgment of the fact that through the efficient work of the Walther League in the past the Board has been enabled to supply our boys under the flag with the necessary Christian literature. Although we know that the brotherly love of our Lutheran fellowmen is taxed very high in the present days of trials and tribulations, still we most heartily endorse your contemplated collection for the reasons adduced in your circular. Let us never forget that the distribution of such literature is the dissemination of Bible Truths, the diffusion of Christianity, and the inculcation of the way to Salvation through Christ Jesus. Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy, W.C. Kohn, President. May the Lord of the Church give the young people of our church everywhere willing hearts and open hands for this noble cause! THE WALTHER LEAGUE BOARD FOR ARMY AND NAVY
Title | The Walther League and its Work for Our Boys - ca. 1918 |
Creator | Unknown |
Source | Unknown. The Walther League and its Work for Our Boys. ca. 1918. Graebner, Theodore Collection. Concordia Historical Institute, St. Louis, Missouri. |
Description | This document outlined the Walther League and their campaign to raise money to send Lutheran literature overseas to soldiers and sailors. The Walther League was a Lutheran group formed to challenge Lutheran youth to better understand their faith. They hoped to work with the Lutheran Church Board of Army and Navy to raise $30,000 to send more hymnals, prayer books, testament, and printed sermons overseas. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918--Public opinion; World War, 1914-1918--Religious aspects; Lutheran Church; Walther League |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I; Lutheran Witness |
Contributing Institution | Concordia Historical Institute |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Concordia Historical Institute: 314-505-7900 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. |
Date Original | 1918 |
Language | English |