Missouri Over There

Letter to A.C. Bode - June 26, 1919


[Lutheran Witness letterhead] Rev A C Bode St Paul June 26 1919 Dear Brother Bode,- Efforts are being made to take a way the editorship of Lutheran Witness from Rev Sommer and myself and place the St Louis faculty in charge. As it is, the faculty receives the proof-sheets of Witness, as it does [ms illegible: 1 wd] of Lutheraner, and exercises its doctrinal censorship. But the purpose id, to give it absolute control. We, the editors have been quoted as saying that we are fully satisfied with the contemplated change. If this matter comes up in your district, I hereby authorize you to say that we have never uttered such a request, and that we are not in favor of the change, because we believe that the arrangement established by the Delegate Synod in 1914 has worked out well and that multiplying editors is detrimental to religious journalism. No church-body at the present time has such an arrangement, as is contemplated. In explanation of the above I would add that the editors of Witness and Lutheraner have a working arrangement, and that we give every consideration to suggestions from the faculty. We have acted upon their suggestions ever since this arrangement is in force. But I for one shall not submit to a control which permits one man to exclude any article and even every subject from the paper, which does not suit him, even if the objection is not in any sense doctrinal. I should instantly resign from the Witness. One man rule is intolerable. Besides, it works out in such a way that a paper so edited will not treat vital issues when they are vital nor ever speak on matters which might call forth the criticism of the uninformed. I do not know what forces are behind this move. I only know that it means the devitalizing of our paper, since its voice could no longer be heard in clear tones on the issues of the day when one man can, by his dixit, stifle its utterances on questions which arise within and without the church. Very sincerely Your colaborer 3618 Texas Ave


Title Letter to A.C. Bode - June 26, 1919
Creator Unknown
Source Unknown. Letter to A.C. Bode. 26 June 1919. Graebner, Theodore Collection. Concordia Historical Institute, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Letter to Reverend A.C. Bode in St. Paul Minnesota from an unknown author. The author of this letter discussed the editing of the Lutheran Witness and giving the responsibility to those in St. Louis. The Lutheran Witness is the flagship magazine of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. It provides synodical news, reports from Lutherans around the world, and other featured articles.
Subject LCSH Lutheranism
Subject Local WWI; World War I; Lutheran Witness
Contributing Institution Concordia Historical Institute
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Date Original June 26, 2019
Language English