Missouri Over There

F.C. Streufert letter to Theodore Graebner - June 5, 1918


[Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy letterhead] June Fifth, 1918 Prof. Theo. Graebner, 3618 Texas Ave., St. Louis, [Missouri] My dear Brother: It is indeed with great reluctance that I write you and write concerning the Lutheran Witness, which we have been distributing in the various cantonments of our country. It is not our intention to criticize the articles which have been so ably written and presented to our Lutheran Church at large; at the same time we cannot resist from confiding to you that several articles which have appeared in late numbers of the Lutheran Witness caused us to request the Concordia Publishing House to withhold any future numbers from the various military pastors until further notice. We realize that these articles must be brought to the notice of our general public and of our Lutheran Church as such; at the same time, it is true that, from within the camp time and again criticisms and objections are raised to certain articles. This also holds good to the Northwestern Lutheran. Recently an article appeared written originally by a certain man, Claxton, who advocated the teaching of the German language. Forthwith one of our military pastors had to appear before the Commanding General and rake an explanation. Even so, in one of the last numbers there appeared an article concerning the attacks made upon the German language. We felt, because of the importance of the present work in Army and Navy, and because of the attitude of several men in authority, it would be best, at least for the time being, to discontinue sending out the Lutheran Witness to the various camps. My dear Brother, you will understand, with this we do not intend to have you change or alter the course layed out before you in the Lutheran Witness. We feel that you ought to keep on publishing articles of this nature. At the same time, we cannot see our way clear to have Lutheran Witness distributed within the camps. Trusting that you will receive this letter in the same spirit in which it is written, we are Very cordially yours F.C. Streufert


Title F.C. Streufert letter to Theodore Graebner - June 5, 1918
Creator Streufert, F.C.
Source Streufert, F.C. Letter to Theodore Graebner. 05 June 1918. Graebner, Theodore Collection. Concordia Historical Institute, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Letter from F.C. Streufert, secretary for the Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy, to Professor Theodore Graebner. Streufert asked Graebner to withhold future publications of the Lutheran Witness from camp pastors. The Lutheran Witness is the official periodical of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod published by the Concordia Publishing House.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918--Public opinion; World War, 1914-1918--Religious aspects; Missouri Synod (Lutheran)
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Contributing Institution Concordia Historical Institute
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Date Original June 5, 1918
Language English