Missouri Over There

F.C. Streufer letter to Theodore Graebner - November 13, 1918


[Lutheran Church Board letterhead] [November] 13, 1918. Prof. Th. Graebner, 3618 Texas Av., St. Louis, [Missouri]. Dear Brother: Your communication of [November] 11th we have received. Many thanks for your kind words. We wish to inform you that said meeting at New York was postponed to December 4th. Very cordially yours, F.C. Streufer FCS:LH


Title F.C. Streufer letter to Theodore Graebner - November 13, 1918
Creator Streufer, F.C.
Source Streufer, F.C. Letter to Theodore Graebner. 13 November 1918. Graebner, Theodore Collection. Concordia Historical Institute, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Letter to Professor Theodore Graebner from F.C. Streufer, Secretary of the Lutheran Church Board for Army and Navy. Theodore was a Lutheran Pastor and Professor of Philosophy and New Testament Interpretation at the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He was a gifted writer and influential theologian. Throughout his life he wrote various German and English publications including the Lutheran Witness. Graebner helped shape the teachings and culture of the Missouri Synod. Streufer informed Graebner that he received his recent letter and a Church Board meeting would be held in New York. The Lutheran Church Board was committed to raising money for camp pastors to be sent to U.S. training camps to help promote the gospel.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918--Public opinion; World War, 1914-1918--Religious aspects; Lutheran Church
Subject Local WWI; World War I; Lutheran Witness
Contributing Institution Concordia Historical Institute
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Date Original November 13, 1918
Language English