Missouri Over There

Herbert Hoover telegram to Mrs. Edna Gellhorn - September 26, 1917


[Postal telegraph-Commercial Cables Telegram letterhead] 275 [New York] G 237 Govt 411p Fa-Washington DC [September] 26-[1917] Mrs. Geo. Gellhorn, Chairman Womens Central Com. on Food Conservation, 227 Boatmens Bank Blg-St. Louis, [Missouri]. I have just learned that your committee is to have a meeting to-morrow to consider the question of reorganization. I take this occasion to thank you for the work that your committee has done in the past and to bespeak for the food administration work in the state of Missouri Your hearty support and co-operation. It is our policy to decentralize into states through a federal food administrator to be appointed by the President for each state who will co-operate closely with the state council of defense. No appointment has as yet been made for Missouri but we are at work on this matter and hope to have the right man soon. We would then lean upon him for food administration work in the state of Missouri and your efforts would be in support of that man and your dealings directly with him. In the meantime however, we are planning a national pledge card campaign to secure the pledge of as many families as possible in the United States to the food administration program. We have appointed as pledge card campaign director for the state of Missouri, Don Farnsworth, Baltimore Hotel, Kansas City, and we earnestly hope that you will promptly get in touch with him and support his campaign in the state of Missouri with your utmost endeavor. Herbert Hoover.


Title Herbert Hoover telegram to Mrs. Edna Gellhorn - September 26, 1917
Creator Hoover, Herbert
Source Hoover, Herbert. Telegram to Mrs. Gellhorn. 26 September 1917. Edna Gellhorn Papers. Washington University Libraries, Department of Special Collections, St. Louis, Missouri.
Description Telegram from Herbert Hoover to Mrs. Edna Gellhorn. He congratulated her on her great work with the Woman's Central Committee on Food Conservation and also asked for her help in supporting the pledge card campaign. Mrs. Edna Gellhorn was an active civic leader and reformer. She became a leader in the women's suffrage movement and in 1920 became a founder and first vice president of the National League of Women Voters.
Contributing Institution Washington University Libraries, Department of Special Collections
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Language English