Missouri Over There

Captain of Signal Corps letter to Mrs. Powhatan H. Clarke - July 24, 1917


[War Department letterhead] Schools DIVISION 7th Floor 119 D ST. N. E. July 24, 1917. Dear Madame: - The Chief Signal Officer has instructed me to write you that the field at Belleville will probably not be completed by the time your son graduates from the school of Military Aeronautics at Illinois. He will probably be sent to the field nearest Champaign, which is Rantoul. Yours Very Truly, Frank C [ms illegible: 1 wd] Captain Signal Corps USR Mrs. Powhattan H. Clarke, Inman Hotel, Champaign, [Illinois]


Title Captain of Signal Corps letter to Mrs. Powhatan H. Clarke - July 24, 1917
Creator Captain of Signal Corps
Source Captain of Signal Corps. Letter to Mrs. Powhatan H. Clarke. 24 July 1917. Clarke, Powhatan Papers. A0293. Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Description Mrs. Powhatan Clarke received this letter from the Signal Corps about her son, Powhatan Clarke, who was going to be sent to Rantoul upon graduation from the School of Military Aeronautics at Illinois. Powhatan Clarke served with the 21st Aero Squadron and Labor Bureau A.E.F. during Word War I.
Subject LCSH Military aeronautics
Subject Local World War I; WWI; United States. Army. Aero Squadron, 21st
Site Accession Number A0293
Contributing Institution Missouri History Museum
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Date Original August 24, 1917
Language English