Robert S. Griffin letter to James R. Harris - November 13, 1916
[Navy Department letterhead] November 13, 1916. My dear Mr. Harris: I am pleased to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the tenth, in further reference to the "Anti-American influences," and to say that I am very glad to know that your information didn't come through Mr. Warren. I had no intention of looking further into the matter, and should not have felt unkindly toward him in any event, as I know that after a lapse of time, the fact that such things are confidential is frequently forgotten. With kind regards, I am, Very truly yours, R.S. Griffin Engineer-in-Chief, U.S.N. office Sunday U.S. Gov. U.S. Navy Adm. R.S. Griffin Mr. James R. Harris, Busch-Sulzer Bros. Company, Saint Louis, [Missouri].
Title | Robert S. Griffin letter to James R. Harris - November 13, 1916 |
Creator | Griffin, Robert S. |
Source | Griffin, Robert S., Letter to James R. Harris. 13 November 1916. Busch-Sulzer Collection. Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin. |
Description | Letter to James R. Harris, the Vice President and General Manager of the Busch-Sulzer Brothers Diesel Engine Company, from Admiral Robert S. Griffin, one of the leading authorities on Marine engines. During World War I Griffin received the Distinguished Service Cross for his work in designing and building new machinery for marine vessels. |
Subject LCSH | Diesel engine; Submarine boats; Busch-Sulzer brothers Diesel engine company |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I |
Contributing Institution | Wisconsin Historical Society |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Wisconsin Historical Society: 608-264-6535 |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. |
Date Original | November 13, 1916 |
Language | English |