Missouri Over There

L. Shane letter to the Bureau of Steam Engineering - April 25, 1918


[Navy Department letterhead] Works of Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co. St. Louis, [Missouri], 25 April 1918. From: Inspector of Machinery, U.S.N. To: Bureau of Steam Engineering. Subject: Submarines 0-11 to 0-16 (72-77): Main engines. 1. The Bureau is informed that all the engines for the 0-11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 have been completed and successfully passed all tests. 2. Attention is invited to the reliability of these engines. When the first engine was turned over under power, it was discovered the designed speed was the critical speed of the engine. To overcome this, counter weights were fitted, which completely corrected the trouble. In the case of each engine, from the time they were presented for test until the tests were completed, not a single casualty occurred. There was nothing to record in the remarks column. The vibration is negligible, and the economy both in lubricating and fuel oil very satisfactory. 3. It is my opinion that, up to the present, these are the most reliable and satisfactory Diesel engines built for the Navy. At any rate, it is a remarkable fact that under this contract carrying twelve engines, no trouble of any sort was experienced with a single one of the engines under test. L. Shane.


Title L. Shane letter to the Bureau of Steam Engineering - April 25, 1918
Creator Shane, L.
Source Shane, L. Letter to the Bureau of Steam Engineering. 25 April 1918. Busch-Sulzer Collection. Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
Description Letter from L. Shane, Inspector of Machinery, to the Bureau of Steam Engineering. Shane informs the Bureau that a selected set of engines has been completed and successfully passed the tests. He also discussed what they did to the engines to help them pass their tests. Shane believed that the engines tested were the most reliable Diesel engines for use in the Navy.
Subject LCSH Diesel engine; Submarine boats; Busch-Sulzer brothers Diesel engine company
Subject Local WWI; World War I; Submarine engine
Contributing Institution Wisconsin Historical Society
Copy Request Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Wisconsin Historical Society: 608-264-6535
Rights The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited.
Date Original April 25, 1918
Language English