Missouri Over There

James R. Harris letter to Robert S. Griffin - November 6, 1916


Office Sunday U.S. Navy Dept. Admiral R.S. Griffin St. Louis, November 6, 1916. My dear Admiral: Since my return from Washington I have looked up letter received from you sometime since and in which I thought you had referred to "Anti-American Influences" having been responsible in some measure for delay in our work, and I find that I was mistaken. Both Mr. Rotter and I were sure even after our talk with you that the letter we received contained a statement to that effect but after having gone over our files carefully we cannot find any letter with such reference in it, and I regret I was so positive in my statement. Feeling they will be of interest to you I am enclosing herewith seven photographs recently taken, of our 6-M-100 type Marine engine, eight of which will be installed in the "L" boats for the United States Government. With kindest regards. Yours very truly, [signature] Admiral R.S. Griffin, Navy Department, Washington D.C. Photos sent= 600 M 11 12 13 19 26 28 29


Title James R. Harris letter to Robert S. Griffin - November 6, 1916
Creator Harris, James R.
Source Harris, James R. Letter to Robert S. Griffin. 06 November 1916. Busch-Sulzer Collection. Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
Description Letter from James R. Harris, the Vice President and General Manager of the Busch-Sulzer Brothers Diesel Engine Company, to Admiral Robert S. Griffin, one of the leading authorities on Marine engines. During World War I Griffin received the Distinguished Service Cross for his work in designing and building new machinery for marine vessels.
Subject LCSH Diesel engine; Submarine boats; Busch-Sulzer brothers Diesel engine company
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Contributing Institution Wisconsin Historical Society
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Date Original November 6, 1916
Language English