Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - Ocotber 28, 1918
[October] 28 1918 "Dugout in France-" Dear Folks:- Still in the trenches - having firly good weather but guess one of these days it will break into real winter - we are still keeping Fritz on the run but guess you keep track of it by the papers - saw a clipping from the [Kansas City] Star the other day of our last drive - remarkable how quick they get the news over in such short time - have received two letters from you in last few days dated [September] 23rd and 26th am very sorry you were disappointed in your letter but I write as often as I can and remember mother you are first, last and always at the head of my letters - you and father will never be neglected by me - you have made me and started me on the path I now am leading - I owe all to you and if ever I mistreat you I hope to die on the spot - I try to answer between times the letters I receive from my friends always telling them to let you know I am OK. am very sorry
to hear of Christine's death - very sad - Poor old Hiram - guess it will break him up - and little Garner - feel so sorry - a mother, the one who is the closest to her children - to think of having to go thru life without a mother - Curly still trying to dodge the army - and Uncle Sam needs him so bad - guess he lives under a different flag from me - I live with the Star s and Stripes over me and intend to defend it as long as I live - and then my children if ever I have any - Allan, I know will step out any time they need men of his age and if this war continues till he is old enough he must step out and say, "I am ready Uncle, lets go"- I guess clothes are high - [MS illegible: 1 wd] Allan does some tall stepping - am glad you got my allotment - say have you ever received my Liberty Bonds? - I got Martha's letter - am going to answer it right away - you tell Allan to fight for Morton - [Kansas City] Star always hated him because they couldn't dictate to him - Dad fight for him because he is for us boys - had a letter from him
the other day - wish I could vote 3 or 4 for him - sorry to hear of Kelmel's death - have never heard of any of that disease over here - Well Dad hows business? how has the year totaled for you - pay expenses or not - say any time you need that money of mine step to it - that is what it is for - for you to use for you and the rest - I have all I need and the future will take care of it-self - put it in on Ruth's schooling or anything - am so glad she got to go - will do her lots of good - she will be a changed girl. don't konw any more news so will close - will write as often as I can - I am fine and OK - never felt better - Best regards to my pals- Goodnite, Lots of love to all, Your loving son, Kirk - OK RKBrady 1st Lieut 140th Inf.
Title | Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - Ocotber 28, 1918 |
Creator | Brady, Robert Kirk |
Source | Brady, Robert Kirk. Letter to Folks. 28 October 1918. Brady, Robert Kirk, Letters, 1917-1919. C0077. The State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, MO. |
Description | In this October 28, 1918, letter to his folks in Richmond, Missouri, Robert Kirk Brady wrote a couple of deaths back home and his liberty bond. Brady, a native of Ray County, Missouri, served in the 140th Infantry Regiment during World War I. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918; Liberty bonds |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I |
Site Accession Number | C0077 |
Contributing Institution | The State Historical Society of Missouri |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the State Historical Society of Missouri: 1020 Lowry Street, Columbia, Missouri, 65201-7298. (573) 882-7083. |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. |
Date Original | Ocotber 28, 1918 |
Language | English |