Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - December 20, 1918
Boncourt, France [December 20, 1918] Dear Folks:- Yours of [November] 28th received today and as usual was delighted to hear from you - I also received Xmas cards from Miss Maude Milligan, Miss Florence Pierce, Anna Hunt, Mrs. Davis, "The Webers", received letters from Elmer, Miss Jene, Mrs. Pattie Chevault, and little Isabel Milligan - so of course I am feeling happy getting so much mail - all were congratulating me in my promotion - I am answering each one of them - weather here seems to be rain most of hte time - "K" Co of hte 3rd is from [Kansas City] and of the 6th from S.E. Mo. - of course ther eis not much left of hte original but has been filled up with replacements - Capt. Smiley left the regiment in [September] and was
sent to the Postal Service - he has headquarters in Bordeaux - had a letter from him a few days back - he is OK and wants to get back home as he has had a new arrival in his family - do not worry about the temptations as I can handle them - those things are past with me - I am now a man of business and want to get back so I can get a home of my own and live the rest of my days in peace, I am expecting to be transferred to another company soon - probaly will be "I" or "M", that is what the Col. says, neither of them has a Capt and haven't had since the drive so he wants me to take one of them - of course I don't know for sure but it looks that way - but still address my mail
to "K" till I let you know - yes I am going to leave the mustache in France - I want to get my picture taken first so I can send you one then I am going to shave it off - had a fine letter from Elmer - also Miss June and Mrs. Pattie - yes I feel sorry for the parents who lost their sons in the fight - Cecil Van is back with "G" - he is OK - I hope Charley is getting along OK- yes Curly I guess is feeling much better - he ought to hide some place - so Bob is papa - Bob is sure a good old boy- expect Ray will soon be home - am expecting to go on leave soon - want to see Paris, yes I am ready t ocome home as soon as they will let me, am sorry to hear of Billy's sickness - hope he is better - wrote Tobe & Dell a letter the other day - what do you mean about Miss Bertha? - don't quite get you - it is just about bed time - hope all of you are well - hope Ruth has a nice time at home - I know she will - well some of these days I will be ther eto relate my wanderings - take good care of yourselves - how is Honey and Allan? tell Allan to let me know about football - how Mo - Kansas game was ? - will close - am in the best of health - Goodnite, Lots of love to all, Your loving son, Kirk. OK RK Brady Capt. Co "K" 140th Inf.
Title | Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - December 20, 1918 |
Creator | Brady, Robert Kirk |
Source | Brady, Robert Kirk. Letter to Folks. 20 December 1918. Brady, Robert Kirk, Letters, 1917-1919. C0077. The State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, MO. |
Description | In this December 20, 1918, letter to his folks in Richmond, Missouri, Robert Kirk Brady wrote about getting rid of his mustache in Europe, the possibility of going on leave in Paris; and the Missouri-Kansas football game. Brady, a native of Ray County, Missouri, served in the 140th Infantry Regiment during World War I. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918; Christmas; United States. Army. A.E.F., 1917-1920--Postal express service; Military leaves and furloughs; University of Missouri--Columbia; University of Kansas |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I |
Site Accession Number | C0077 |
Contributing Institution | The State Historical Society of Missouri |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the State Historical Society of Missouri: 1020 Lowry Street, Columbia, Missouri, 65201-7298. (573) 882-7083. |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. |
Date Original | December 20, 1918 |
Language | English |