Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - December 16, 1918
Boncourt, France [December] 16th 1918 Dear Folks:- Have a little time so will write a short letter - I am feeling fine - hope all of you are well - the days are sure flying by - am glad they are - we all wonder each what they will do with this division - we like to move around not stay so very long in a place - we are drilling every day - not hard just enough to keep us busy and keep our minds occupied - got a Xmas car drom Ms. Davis - several of the boys got their Xmas boxes yesterday - hope mine waits a few days - well it is long till Xmas - guess honey is planning on a big time - guess several of the "war boys" will spend Xmas at home - I see in the papers where they are demobilizing in the U.S. at the rate of 15000 per day - sure ought not to take long to get rid of them - the President is sure getting some welcome over here - a
big time in Paris - weather here is still damp and cool - cloudy nearly all time - sun came out and stayed a short time yesterday - all the "G" boys seem ot be OK - see them every day - hope the "flu" is getting better - sure must have been awful bad back there - so many seemed to have died with it - how was business this year compared with last? - you can now devote more time to your business - hope it is better this next year - no news to speak of - will close - am expecting some mail today - hope all are well - Love to all Your loving son Kirk - OK RKBrady Capt Co "K" 140th Inf.
Title | Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - December 16, 1918 |
Creator | Brady, Robert Kirk |
Source | Brady, Robert Kirk. Letter to Folks. 16 December 1918. Brady, Robert Kirk, Letters, 1917-1919. C0077. The State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, MO. |
Description | In this December 16, 1918, letter to his folks in Richmond, Missouri, Robert Kirk Brady wrote about Christmas, the army demobilizing, President Wilson visiting France, and the influenza epidemic. Brady, a native of Ray County, Missouri, served in the 140th Infantry Regiment during World War I. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918; Christmas; Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924; Influenza |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I |
Site Accession Number | C0077 |
Contributing Institution | The State Historical Society of Missouri |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the State Historical Society of Missouri: 1020 Lowry Street, Columbia, Missouri, 65201-7298. (573) 882-7083. |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. |
Date Original | December 16, 1918 |
Language | English |