Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - August 23, 1918
August 23rd [1918] Friday - Dear Folks:- We are back from the trenches for a few days rest. nothing to do much but eat, sleep, bath and wash clothes - believe me a bath sure felt fine after our long stay in the line. we came out of the trenches in good shape with very few casualties. received your letters of July 2nd, 8th, 15th, 18th, & 22nd. all of which I sure did enjoy. also got the news slippings of [Kansas City] Star. Capt. got a cablegram from Maurice yesterday telling of Morton's and Alexander's election. boys were all glad and each one let out a yell for Dad Morton. so the child's are gay over me. explain just what they do and say - of course I believe Miss Bertha is a true friend of mine - is she or not - tell me all about it - tell Ruth I received her letter and will answer it soon. I am feeling fine - still fat and sassy - ha! ha!. I write as often as I can - sometimes so busy that I cant but will always find time to say something - in numbering my letters I would forget the
last number and thereby get you mixed up - so, I expect I had better have off the number. have never seen any of the Funston boys as yet. don't have any time to visit. when we get out of the trenches we want to do as little as possible. boys are all OK and feeling fine. war looks good for the Allies as you see by the papers. We are still up in the mountains - sure cuts a man's wind, these hills and high altitude I know it is hard on you waiting so long to hear but if anything happens to me I will cable you - don't worry these Huns were made for me to get and not them me. yes, my birthday was spent very quiet that is in the trenches. never have heard from Elizabeth - I wrote her 2 or 3 letters. have not written her since June. don't intend writing to her. things have quit with us. yes, we have white bread - eats are OK but not a variety. we have had fresh tomatoes several times. you know how I love them. having fine weather here - rather hot. hope the fine weather continues. fighter better when the weather is good. am glad all are well. Ruth I guess is preparing for school. tell her again
that I said to "watch her step" - a brother's advice to a sister entering this large world of life. Allan is back home I guess a man - tell him to take care of his money. Honey, you say is growing fast - not getting ready to go to school. would love to see all of you. Mother, you & Dad take care of yourselves. In a letter before this I sent you a copy of an allotment of mine beginning this month. let me know when you reiceve the money. also yesterday I sent $100.00 to Dad thru the Y.M.C.A. I hold the duplicate receipt. let me know when you receive that. I had some spare francs so I sent it home in U.S. money. be sure to let me know when you receive the money. would like to tell yiou where we are but I can't. guess Ray Hughes is back to U.S. by this time. I am getting plenty of cigars now thru Y.M.C.A. boys all get plenty from Red Cross & Y.M.C.A. The Red Cross is sure some fine organization. They are doing manificent work. don't know much
more news. hope all of you are well. tell all my friends hello and give them my best regards. will write as often as I can. have been getting the Richmond News OK - of course it takes a long time to get them but they get here. sure look good. Will close. Goodbye, Love to all, Your loving son, Kirk OK RKBrady 1st Lieut 140th Inf.
Title | Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - August 23, 1918 |
Creator | Brady, Robert Kirk |
Source | Brady, Robert Kirk. Letter to Folks. 23 August 1918. Brady, Robert Kirk, Letters, 1917-1919. C0077. The State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, MO. |
Description | In this August 23, 1918, letter to his folks in Richmond, Missouri, Robert Kirk Brady wrote about coming out of the trenches, food being provided, and the assistance given by the Red Cross and Y.M.C.A. Brady, a native of Ray County, Missouri, served in the 140th Infantry Regiment during World War I. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918; World War, 1914-1918--War work--Red Cross; World War, 1914-1918--War work--Y.M.C.A.; Camp Funston (Kan.); World War, 1914-1918--Food supply |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I |
Site Accession Number | C0077 |
Contributing Institution | The State Historical Society of Missouri |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the State Historical Society of Missouri: 1020 Lowry Street, Columbia, Missouri, 65201-7298. (573) 882-7083. |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. |
Date Original | August 23, 1918 |
Language | English |