Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - April 2, 1919
[Y.M.C.A. letterhead] April 2nd 1919 Dear Folks:- Well am at last on the road home - as to when we get on the boat seems to be just a few days - I believe we will leave about [April] 15th - the dope is we land at Newport News. we now are in a camp just out of St. Nazaire - St. Nazaire is where we embark - am in command of "H" Co. was transferred from "K" a few days ago - I asked for the change - seems like getting back to "G" when I am in "H" - you know "H" is from Liberty and Dexter, all the boys are OK - anxious to get back - seems funny to think we are going home - can hardly realize it - hope all of you are OK - sorry to hear of Ruth being so sick - hope she is OK
and back to school - dont expect we will receive much more mail over here - no news to speak of only we are coming home - hope to se eyo usoon - Lots of love to all, Your loving osn, Kirk. Co "H" 140th Inf.
Title | Robert Kirk Brady letter to Folks - April 2, 1919 |
Creator | Brady, Robert Kirk |
Source | Brady, Robert Kirk. Letter to Folks. 1 April 1919. Brady, Robert Kirk, Letters, 1917-1919. C0077. The State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, MO. |
Description | In this April 2, 1919, letter to his folks in Richmond, Missouri, Robert Kirk Brady wrote about preparations to sail home. Brady, a native of Ray County, Missouri, served in the 140th Infantry Regiment during World War I. |
Subject LCSH | World War, 1914-1918 |
Subject Local | WWI; World War I |
Site Accession Number | C0077 |
Contributing Institution | The State Historical Society of Missouri |
Copy Request | Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the State Historical Society of Missouri: 1020 Lowry Street, Columbia, Missouri, 65201-7298. (573) 882-7083. |
Rights | The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. |
Date Original | April 2, 1919 |
Language | English |