Missouri Over There

Women's Train Service Committee rules - n.d.


RULES TRAIN SERVICE COMMITTEE. 1. All women of this Committee must be on duty promptly. 2. The hours of service of those reporting for duty should be from seven a. m. to nine a. m.: from nine a. m. to three p.m.; from three p.m. to ten p.m. 3. It shall be the duty of the captain to see that she has a full Committee of seven on duty at all times. If for any reason a member is unable to be on duty a certain day, she should notify her Captain as early as possible that the vacancy may be filled by Chairman. The Captain upon receipt of such information will communicate with the Chairman of the Train Service who will arrange for a substitute. 4. The Captain is responsible for the conduct of her Committee, and having complete charge must necessarily be advised of the intention of any member of her Committee to leave the Hut. 5. The Captain shall see that nothing shall be served to the men in the Hut except gum, tobacco and cookies and candy, unless special arrangements have been made with the Chairman of the Train Service. 6. Do not go into Canteen without special permission under any circumstances. 7. There will be absolutely no definite information as to movement of troop trains over phone. 8. No information given to anyone regarding trains – in the Hut by members of this Committee. 9. Conversations among members serving on this Committee concerning trains must be eliminated, for conversations have been over-heard by visitors to the Hut. 10. Do not ask men whom you are serving: “Where are you from”, or “Where are you going?”. 11. No person may serve at any time, unless duly authorized to do so, by War Work Committee. Realize that neither your invitation nor the Chairman’s approval gives permission to serve. Applicants are notified of their acceptance by the War Work Committee. 12. Anything may be served by this Committee to trains in sheds. 13. Nothing can be served by this Committee to trains met in yards. Captain is to take one lady with her when she goes with the Secretary to invite men to the Hut. It is suggested that this be a matter of rotation. 14. Captain reporting for duty at Hut must see the Executive Secretary so that her entire Committee will be signed up for service. At this time she will receive verbally information as to approximate number of men arriving during her period of service. 15. The Executive Secretary is authorized by the War Work Committee to be in charge of the Hut. Any matters of importance that ladies are in doubt about should be referred to him. 16. Each Captain must leave record of their service during their time of duty in the Hut, in the book provided for that purpose. 17. Members of Committee may leave Hut to escort soldiers back to trains if Captain deems it best. 18. Do not Criticise anything or anyone unless you are willing to write it under your signature. Eloise S. Vimont Chairman. P.S. Question – Should members of Committee leave hut to excort soldiers to their trains when in Union Station. Captain to use her judgment. Be sure to always have two on duty and personally attend to trains in yards first - later doing other duties.


Title Women's Train Service Committee rules - n.d.
Creator Women's Troop Train Service
Source Women's Troop Train Service . Committee Rules. n.d. Bailey Collection. 1915-1970. A1771. Missouri History Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Description This document contains the rules for the Women's Troop Train Service Committee. The committee operated out of the Railroad Y.M.C.A. at Union Station in St. Louis, Missouri during WWI. The committee members met locomotives in the train yards and brought soldiers to the Y.M.C.A.'s Happiness Hut where they received snacks, reading materials and a friendly smile.
Subject LCSH World War, 1914-1918--Transportation; World War, 1914-1918--War Work--Red Cross; World War, 1914-1918--War Work--Y.M.C.A.; World War, 1914-1918--War Work--Women
Subject Local WWI; World War I
Site Accession Number A1771
Contributing Institution Missouri History Museum
Copy Request Transmission or reproduction of items on these pages beyond those allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the Missouri History Museum: 314-746-4510
Rights The text and images contained in this collection are intended for research and educational use only. Duplication of any of these images for commercial use without express written consent is expressly prohibited. Contact the Missouri History Museum's Permissions Office at 314-746-4511 to obtain written consent.
Date Original n.d.
Language English