Missouri Over There

Hume, John R. Collection

John R. Hume was a captain in the 23rd Infantry Medical Detachment, and served overseas from 1917-1918.  Hume’s unit was attached to several different regiments throughout the war and saw action at Bourmont, Goncourt, and Verdun.  Hume was wounded by artillery fire at Cambrai in November 1917, and was hospitalized after being exposed to chlorine gas in January 1918.

Hume kept a detailed diary of his experiences overseas from September 1917 through January 1918.  The diary includes descriptions of medical facilities, the living conditions of the troops, being wounded, and his dislike of General John J. Pershing.  The collection also includes poems Hume wrote that reflect his unique attitudes about the war.

Collection contributed by:

Missouri History Museum

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